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I have had her from a kitten and she was potty trained when I got her, but within the last month, she started going on carpet. Up until now she had never gone potty in the house. Now, she has a clean litter box and I come home today and there are two piles on my carpet. They are solid and she doesn't act or appear sick, but something happened. She is not spayed, but she is not spraying urine its solids. My daughter has a puppy that does not live here, but she used to bring him over occasion, so thought that had something to do with it. But have not had him here for a couple of weeks and had the carpets shampooed just to make sure this was not the problem. This seemed to have no effect on the situation. Any suggestions???

2006-09-21 14:52:44 · 10 answers · asked by Kevin H 1 in Pets Cats

10 answers

when a cat urinates in unusual areas such as carpets, furniture, human bedding it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. my cat is an indoor cat and never went anywhere but in its litter box, then it started going around the house. he didn't appear to be sick but when i called the vet and gave him a urine sample it turned out he needed antibiotics for UTI. this is a very serious problem and i would suggest calling your vet immediatedly. its not as hard as it seems to get a urine sample, just a few drops in a clean container will do.

2006-09-21 14:58:12 · answer #1 · answered by broomy75 2 · 1 0

I would say keep an eye on her and if you notice other oddities, take her to the vet. Also, I wouldn't give up and let her outside. My cats used to be outside and they hate litter boxes now that they got to go outside. It will make it even harder to ever have her inside. Have you changed her litter brand? Did something perhaps scare her while she was going to the bathroom that she is associating with the litter box (if possibly yes, try changing the location of the box for a while)? Did you try getting an extra litter box (I have to use 3 for 2 picky cats).

2006-09-21 22:02:56 · answer #2 · answered by Julianne W 2 · 1 0

My cat did this when he had a urinary track infection. The litter hurt his bottom. I also was perplexed because he didn't seem sick. Take her to the vet right away to rule out an infection.

If the problem is an infection you will need to put something over the area she has been using (a chair, whatever) until she returns to consistently using the litter box.

2006-09-21 22:00:33 · answer #3 · answered by nonna_barbara 2 · 1 0

When my cat did this, I did a little research and found out that cats do not like their litter boxes to be in an inclosed area and will sometimes start acting out even after the box has been in the same spot for a while. When I moved his box from an empy walk in closet to our bathroom, he stopped and never had another "accident."

2006-09-21 22:45:19 · answer #4 · answered by Charles 4 · 1 0

When a cat's bathroom behavior changes, the first thing you should do is take her to the vet. There is very likely something wrong with her physically that is causing this behavior, especially if she is still using the litter box to pee. If she is having some kind of intestinal distress or constipation that is making it painful to poop, she may end up pooping in a strange place in her attempts to make the process less painful.

2006-09-21 22:19:44 · answer #5 · answered by just♪wondering 7 · 1 0

If you can, take a sample of the urine to the vet to have it checked for crystals. Sometimes its hard to get the pee, so if that won't work, take the whole cat to the vet so they can obtain the sample. Sometimes crystals form from certain types of minerals in cat food. Those crystals irritate the cats urethra and bladder, making them have to go more often, making them go in unusual places. Sometimes the crystals will cause there to be blood in the urine and in some cats even plug things up so the cat cannot pee. If the cat cannot pee, toxins can build up and kill him/her.

2006-09-22 02:57:26 · answer #6 · answered by Carole 5 · 0 1

the fact she isnt spayed could be part of the problem...
the puppy could also be upsetting her and this is why she did that

however you should take her to the vet to determine if she has a bladder infection - the most common reason why cats pee in wrong spot is infection
DO NOT abandon your cat or put her out if she isnt spayed... spayed cats have fewer health problems

2006-09-21 22:05:00 · answer #7 · answered by CF_ 7 · 1 0

new animal in the house? if not, kitty infection? no? no obvious problems? try putting a little cat pheromone in the litterbox, maybe shell return to using it out of sheer competitive nature.- just an idea-
good luck.

2006-09-21 22:08:38 · answer #8 · answered by douglas w 3 · 0 1

Have you recently changed your brand of kitty litter? My cat doesn't like certain kinds....? If you don't like a particular brand of tiolet paper,you get a different one right? lol

2006-09-21 22:03:04 · answer #9 · answered by Terri R 6 · 0 0

that's a tough one.

i've heard cats do not like the smell of citrus fruits like oranges. now, i don't know if this would deter her at all, but putting a citrus scent in the carpet?

good luck, my cats like to pee in my house plants and i've changed the dirt 2x. (sigh)

2006-09-21 21:56:37 · answer #10 · answered by tami 4 · 1 1

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