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I'm confused... Is OEM the same without a box?

2006-09-21 12:04:07 · 8 answers · asked by The Mole 4 in Computers & Internet Software

I want XP CD as cheap as possible for an old PC. Not interested in a nice box or manual.

2006-09-21 12:11:23 · update #1

8 answers

Correct. An OEM is a retail CD without the box, manual, etc. Cost them more to print the manual than the CD. So when they supply Windows "free" with your computer, they save money by not giving you the box, manual, etc. Why do you need a pretty box to convince you to buy the product when you have already brought it?

2006-09-21 12:08:11 · answer #1 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 1

Simply put, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) XP installations do not include an installation disk (although you will get a recovery disk which puts the PC back to the state it was in when you first bought it), Retail versions do!

So, if you want to install XP yourself, you will need a Retail version.

OEM versions come preinstalled on a PC and are not supported by Microsoft themselves - the PC builder has to do that - and you cannot transfer the installation to another PC (and you will probably get some complaints from XP if you make too many upgrades to the hardware especially the main processor or CPU).

Retail versions are supported by Microsoft themselves and you can transfer them to another system (or make extensive upgrades so you effectively have a new PC) AS LONG AS you remove the original installation and/or do not exceed the maximum number of installations allowed in the End User License Agreement (EULA) you should have received with the package.

2006-09-21 16:37:25 · answer #2 · answered by Andrew B 1 · 0 0

OEM stands for original equipment maker - essentially the software is sold with accompanying hardware. with a pc that usually mens the software is preinstalled on the PC. It doesnt come with a fancy cd holder and booklet - thats all it means. it may have some machine speciifc drivers on it, but thats probably as far as it goes.

there is no reason why you cannt transfer the licence to another PC - after all its your licence. Im pretty certain that limiting to a specific PC would be regarded as an unfair term in a contract.

2006-09-21 12:14:05 · answer #3 · answered by Mark J 7 · 0 0

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) refers to a version that is specially developed for the manufacturer of the computer that u r using. Retail would suggest the version of XP released by Microsoft.

2006-09-21 12:11:31 · answer #4 · answered by JamHussla 2 · 0 0

OEM is to be installed when the PC is being sold, retail can be put on at anytime.
Also OEM is specific to that PC, so if it dies the licence is not to be used elsewhere

2006-09-21 12:06:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

oem is shipped with a pc, however it cannot be transferred to another pc and updates etc from microsoft will not be allowed. buy the retail, register it and know that bill gates is going to rip you off again if you want to upgrade your pc and run your own copy of windows on it.

2006-09-21 12:15:26 · answer #6 · answered by cedley1969 4 · 0 0

Yes, its basically the same but unpackaged. Retail means its being sold on its own. OEM software just means it is part of a package, such as Nero OEM that comes packaged with many CD/DVD drives.

2006-09-21 12:07:08 · answer #7 · answered by Goffik 6 · 0 1

yes oem is the version that comes with new pc's and it is not in a fancy box but you should get a manuel with it.Other than that nothing is different that i know about.

2006-09-21 12:19:25 · answer #8 · answered by BLACKY 4 · 0 0

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