I would say that environmental issues, are just another tax.
The hole in the ozone layer at the poles, has allways been that way, and is caused by freezing conditions, causing banks of acid clouds to form, which destroy ozone. Look it up on wikipedia
A decent volcano errupting, gives off more greenhouse gasses, than the human population does in 5 years, again google it, and remember we have only been industrialised for around 100 years
The north pole, is a floating block of ice, if it melts, the sea wont rise, as it is allready displacing, its own volume, again.. google it.
and pretty much the same can be said of the south pole, and besides, the rise in temperature, will allow more water to be held in the air.
I would mention, that people in the USA pay a stupidly low ammount by gas, as the government, pushes the country further into debt supporting you, and that having china buy up your debt, because you arent willing to pay the cost of petrol is a bad bad thing.. again google it
So you might think, well what environmentally does mater?
Think of the worlds current population, and how much it grows year on year, what happens when there are 1000 times more people? Again, if you google, it has been figured out, that if everyone on the planet, wanted a lifestyle like the americans, we would need 7 new planets, to support the material needs of the lifestyle......
So environmentally friendly living i think, should merely be, living, with as little impact to other people and the worlds resources as possible, do u really need a tv in every room, and several monitors, does everyone really need their own car, could more people work from home..
Living using less resources is easy.. You buy high efficiency light bulbs, with leds in, you allways try and buy a car with the best gas millage, buy a fridge and washing machine, that use as little water/electricity as possible, but dont do it because of global warming, or the ozone layer.. thats just the government scaring you, do it because, the planet cant support the materials involved
Just to deal with the government scaring you think, they have to do it, and i dont blame them, i just feel sorry for them, they have to try and convince a population, full of mindless consumers, to use less stuff, and being the people we are, saying things like, 'its not a problem now, but will be in the future', or ' you have to be less selfish, less demending' jsut wont work, because we are mean, stupid, and egotistical (also why we arent allowed to work from home).
We need to change society, to control itself, where people with hummers are openly laughed at, where people who leave the lights on, are the subject of humour, where people, who have a tv in every room, are the subject of debate.
2006-09-20 21:40:09
answer #1
answered by yeah well 5