It takes time...sometimes lots of time for a cat to adjust to a new housemate. I have 4 cats and the oldest (Laramie is 14) has hissed and growled and acted like the end of the world was here when I got each new kitty. She is normally a very loving cat, but she is the boss of the house. She has come around each time though. You just have to give your 7 year old cat a lot of love and attention...away from the new kitty. And give her time...she will get over her 'hurt' feelings!! Good luck!!
2006-09-20 18:49:27
answer #1
answered by just me 5
Cats are not pack animals like dogs. Most of the time a cat will not accept an intruder onto it's territory. Most cats will never fully accept a new cat, no matter what age it is. The best thing is to raise 2 or 3 cats together so they will bond. If the cat is going to learn to accept other cats, it will take a while. A week is a good indicator if things will work out or not. Cats are very violent sounding, but you will know if you've got a little scuffle or a major fight on your hands. It is not a question of if, it's a question of WHEN your cat will fight the other cat. I would recommend an opposite sex cat who can hold his own against yours if you even want to attempt getting another one. I, however, would just let this nice old lady live out the rest of her years as the only spoiled little kitty and then get 2 kittens of the same age except opposite sex (SPAY NEUTER BEFORE THEY ARE 5 MONTHS OLD!!!) and raise them together. Enjoy your queen of the palace, and keep HER best interests in mind.
2006-09-21 02:02:56
answer #2
answered by Sarah H 3
Some cats are haters. Seriously. They don't see any reason to share their territory with another cat. EVER!
It does seem silly, but that's just the way come cats are.
I know, I had one. She would sit in window sills and hiss and charge at cats she saw outside. She would climb the screen door yowling her stupid head off if a stray walked by. We never broke her of the habit. Actually, it was an indicator that she was sick and suffering at the end of her life, when she wouldn't even hiss at the resident cats at the vet's office. We let her go because we knew at that point she was suffering.
You could try dividing up your house and giving both the cats their own territory. That seems a little pointless though.
Well, good luck. I plan on getting a matched set of kitties this time. If you know anyone wanting to re-home a group of cats, e-mail me.
2006-09-21 02:06:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I've been fostering a feral cat who had kittens at 4mths. My male is fine with kittens and momma, but my female broke through the window and went outside. I would go outside 3 or 4 times day and play and feed her. Until last Friday when someone threw her into a jumping cactus. Luckly I found her and rushed her to the vet. 4 hours of surgery, meds for days, and 1000$ later she is locked in my bedroom. I spend time with her and the others. She totally freaks if she sees the momma cat(half her size) and constantly cries and scratches at window to get out. I'm getting kitties fixed the 21st of July and than hopfully I can find homes for momma and kitties. Mom has turned into a wonderful cat, but can't keep her because of my female.
2014-07-05 23:16:55
answer #4
answered by Ruth 1
Throughout the years I've had lots of cats and usally when a new cat or kitten was introduced to the house the old ones got upset to have new ones in their territory. Some only took a couple of days with the newcomer kept in one room so they could only smell it and not hurt it and when the new cat came out they would slowly get used to each other. Sometimes, and mostly with females for some reason, they have been more territorial and possessive and its upsetting, but it just lasts and one cat will be nasty to the new one for a long time, but nothing serious. I assume that eventually it will all settle itself.
2006-09-21 02:40:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a groomer and have been a vet tech and I have lots of experience with this with my clients. You have to give it two weeks. They will find their common ground. They have no choice. While they might not ever become best friends they will learn to co-habitate by avoiding each other or ignoring ach other. They might have an occasional spat, but that is normal even among cats that get along. So just leave them be and don't let the original cat manipulate you. You make the rules. It is your house. If she acts really badly toward another cat (biting, etc) keep a water bottle handy and sqirt her with it. And don't leave them alone together for at least the first two days. You don't want them ripping each other apart and then have the vet bills to go with that!
2006-09-21 01:58:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
How long did you keep the new cat? It takes time for animals to adjust to each other, to establish their boundaries and figure out who's in charge. Your pampered kitty might never find another "buddy" but should eventually get used to having another one around. Give it time. You might have to put up with some issues like being "naughty" and not wanting to use the litter box, so you will probably want to start by keeping a new pet confined to its own room with its own box for a few days at least and then gradually introduce them. Don't force them but do remember that even though you only have 2 legs you ARE bigger than she is and you control the food bowl. ;) Good luck.
2006-09-21 01:51:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It may be hard. Part of it really has to do with territory and not so much liking the other cat. Really, cats don't like/dislike each other like we do with people. My two old cats didn't like to "visit" each other when my husband and I were dating. However, the minute we moved in a new house, they each established their territory and learned to coexist with each other.
I once tried to introduce a kitten in the house, but both hissed at him. I could have given it time, but I decided it wasn't worth it.
We adopted two cats together last year (after our other two passed on) and although one is older, they learned to get along very well--here again each sees the house as shared territory and not moving in another cat's turf.
If you are bound and determined, gradually introduce a new cat to the house. Keep it in one room but do give the 7 year old some time to sniff it out. Be patient. Cats are very scent oriented and it may take some time. Remember your old kitty has marked the entire house as hers and she sees the new cat as an intruder.
Good luck!
2006-09-21 01:59:52
answer #8
answered by KittyKat 3
I have 2 cats(had 3 until the coyotes took my baby away!) They like to pretend, when we are around, that they hate each other, they'll hiss and growl, but when we aren't looking they'll be grooming each other and rubbing against each other... Cats! My female(spayed) who recenetly died was 4 when we took one of my Dad's cats, and Bagherra and George spent a year avoiding and hissing at each other until one day they decided that was enought! Until Bagherra died they would play together(mostly when your not looking). So It just takes time. My female Bagherra only liked neutered male cats, we tried a female and it was terrible!! When you do introduce a new cat make sure to give the old one lots of attention!!!
2006-09-21 01:56:43
answer #9
answered by pharfly1 5
It can be weird. One cat I know accepted another cat for visits only, and freaked when the other kitty came to move in.
One kitty briefly hissed at a dog, the dog cowered, then they were the best of friends since.
It really depends on your cat's disposition, but it seems to be easier to introduce a kitten as opposed to a full grown cat.
2006-09-21 05:23:54
answer #10
answered by mithril 6