Dont think for a minute some of us dont take care of the problem.
2006-09-20 16:11:32
answer #1
answered by 1diputs 4
homosexuality may finally be earning its place in society. I am not a homo. but I do not disrespect those who are. I do not go out and brag about what I feel or believe in. I do not believe in abortion but I am not going to go march in front of the state capital or condem somone who has had an abortion. We are all intitled to live our lives the way we see fit. As long as we are not hurting anyone. There are more things to be worried about them homosexuality. There are child molesters and rapist out there who need to be put behind bars. I do make a stand for something if I believe it is wrong. I think child sexual abuse is wrong. I feel very strong about that. But homosexuality is becoming more or an everyday thing. People do not have to live behind closed doors. But if 20 years ago you asked me about homosexuality, I would have been so against it. I feel bad for the homosexuals who have to take the brunt for what society teaches us. The goverment needs to stay out of private lives, if what we believe in is not hurting anyone. Why is homosexuality wrong? What is wrong with two people of the same sex wanting to be a couple and married? nothing is wrong with it....we have a right to be happy. Do you think that all homosexuals should be sent to prison camps and killed? if these people do not take a stand against it, then how do you knoow they are against never know who will walk in those shoes. One day you may have a child who is a homosexual, or you may relalize you are one...
2006-09-20 23:13:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A sin is a sin, and this sin is not any greater than others. Why should we take a stand against it? I thought we were not to judge anyone. As for guidance to others, this can be done. A sabotage only gives us a bad name. We have no right unless we are willing to have others come to us and point out our wrong doings and try to 'correct' us. This is my feelings on the subject. I am sure I will get backlash because I am not a do-good Christian and I leave the judging to God.
2006-09-20 23:10:17
answer #3
answered by pink9364 5
People have their own choices. But homosexuality is not to be brought into the Church. Christians put away sin, a gay man can become Christian, but he will will to do of God's good pleasure, and will overcome the sin of homosexuality. Remembering in heaven we are neither married nor given in marriage, but are like the angels.
Also, Homosexuality is yes a great sin, but no where near as great as pride, remember that one.
2006-09-20 23:11:20
answer #4
answered by Sky_blue 4
How would they take a stronger stand??? Christians hand out tracts and do what they can, but the Muslim tactics are not for a Christian. I believe that we take as strong a stand as the Bible allows. God will take the stronger stand and condemn them to the Lake of Fire, we are here to preach the gospel and teach them what Christ said..
2006-09-20 23:06:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
why should christians single out one particular sin? We have all sinned and in Gods eyes all sin is the the same. i dont agree with homosexuality, but i make my own mistakes and it really is not my place to jump on some one for their sin.
we should work on bringing people to Christ and then let our father do his job in his own time.
Matthew 7
Judging Others
1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
Matthew 7:3
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
2006-09-20 23:28:34
answer #6
answered by rachel5576 3
Because it's not our job to take a stand against people's sinful behavior, it's our job to tell them that their is forgiveness for and power to over overcome sin in Christ Jesus.
That doesn't mean that Christians shouldn't be voters who try to influence society by putting in candidates who profess to honor moral behavior or that they can't sign petitions. I just means that we don't take stands against individuals who sin. Instead we try to be used by God to lead people into his family and let the Holy Spirit do the work of sanctification in their lives.
2006-09-20 23:10:53
answer #7
answered by Martin S 7
Because they would actually have to take a position on something and then the Christians of the world would tell them they are not acting very Christian.
2006-09-20 23:07:36
answer #8
answered by melrae1116 3
I am waiting for the day that educated people who think idiocy is wrong take a stronger stand against it.....
2006-09-20 23:06:49
answer #9
answered by elwoodo0oo 3
Because Christians know that only the wisdom of God, (which was taught to us Thur the life of of Jesus) is capable of such a great miracle!.
We are told to "love our brothers" and to ask God's grace be given to them..
2006-09-20 23:27:16
answer #10
answered by Barbara C 1
We all are passionate about something. I rather take a stand against adultery. Or child molestation. Or violence. I let God to be the judge. I try to love here to my best abilities.
2006-09-20 23:06:03
answer #11
answered by SeeTheLight 7