Tanya, alot of men have trouble expressing them selfs without a little help. If having a drink or two helps him help you feel wanted and needed and helps him with the words he is tying to find, then let it be. I am here to tell you that some women don't even get that even if their man has had a few drinks. It's nerves and he just doesn't want to say the wrong thing or for you to take it as him saying something he is not.
I believe that when someone has had a few drinks it is like a truth serium. He loves you for who you are now love him for who he is.
Good Luck to You!
Always Amy
2006-09-20 07:13:29
answer #1
answered by heart2heart27958 2
I do believe that people are more free with their emotions when they have had a drink as they feel more relaxed. It doesnt mean he doesnt feel the same way when he is sober. He just lacks the emotional skills to be able to tell you when he is sober.
2006-09-20 07:04:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He is either too shy or he has something to hide and can't be honest when he is sober. Do you want to be with someone who is sweet-talking only when he is buzzed?
2006-09-20 07:12:11
answer #3
answered by lg traveler 2
When people drink they can express their selfs alot better. Sometimes they say things you do not want to hear too. Alcohol effects the way you feel. If you want to have someone tell you the truth, get them drunk. Hope I have helped.
2006-09-20 07:08:55
answer #4
answered by MissySue 2
maybe he's afraid to tell you the truth........you know being buzzed makes the person you lookin at blurry and weird........maybe when hes sober he can't say it the way he wants to until hes buzzed....... :) good luck!!.......peace
2006-09-20 07:10:03
answer #5
answered by sexy_ndn 2
He is more relaxed when he has had a few drinks. If he shows he cares about you, then I would just forget about him not expressing it verbally.
2006-09-20 07:03:15
answer #6
answered by Patti C 7
he is more at ease when he is buzzed, lowers the tension ya know, if he's like me he gets lovey dovey and has to let everyone know how much they mean yo you.
2006-09-20 07:06:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Just take it as a compliment and moVe on instead of over anniliZing every little thing!
2006-09-20 07:08:28
answer #8
answered by Baby 5
true feelings come out when you're drinking. the inhibitions go away. ever here of cool/funny drunk? vs an mean/as shole drunk? that's really what those people are like...the alcohol just brinks it out.
2006-09-20 07:04:37
answer #9
answered by dom 1
Coz guys arnt good at expressing their feelings, i guess it just makes them feel weak and not manly when they do it.... just a guy thing
2006-09-20 07:03:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous