Absolutely, it is NOT being rude in asking her if she received your gift. It is rude however, of her not to acknowledge the gift. Ask her, either way you will find out.
2006-09-20 05:26:10
answer #1
answered by jorettah2001 3
NO! I don't care how busy new moms are - she should have acknowledged the gift. You should ask her - and she should feel rude. I sent my friend a gift for her baby shower and got an elaborate hand made thank-you card a week later. If she didn't send it you should know - and see if there is a way to track it down.
2006-09-20 09:24:42
answer #2
answered by Fortune Favors the Brave 4
1. You have every right to inquire whether she received it or not, since it hadn't been acknowledged.
2. If she says, "No. I received it," and nothing else, you will just have to conclude that she was not brought up with manners.
3. Whether or not you decide to give her gifts in the future is your choice. Some people are very grateful, but as mentioned above, were not groomed by their parents useful manners in a social context.
Good luck and warm regards.
2006-09-20 12:13:19
answer #3
answered by mitch 6
Absolutely not rude at all. If she had any manners, she would have acknowledged all the gifts she received - if not with a thank you card, then with a phone call or a visit with her new baby to show you what she got with your gift card.
2006-09-20 05:34:03
answer #4
answered by north79004487 5
NOT RUDE! You spent your time and money on a card and gift card for her, and you have the right to know that it was received- after all, mail can sometimes be unpredictable. Ask her.The point is not that you want to be thanked and drooled over for your unmatched and elaborate thoughtfulness(!)- you just want to make sure she got it - that's all.
2006-09-20 06:05:35
answer #5
answered by catarina 4
Just ask her "Did you get the card I sent" or Ask her what she bought with the gift card. I don't think its rude at all.
2006-09-20 05:33:04
answer #6
answered by grudgrime 5
No it's not rude to ask. It's rude for them not to send you a thank you card. Of course one would wonder if the gift reached them.
2006-09-20 23:46:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is not rude to ask. I would also think that if she did not know enough to acknowledge the gift, she will not be offended by you asking if she recieved it.
Another way to find out would be to contact Babies R Us and see if the gift card was used.
2006-09-20 05:33:43
answer #8
answered by xox_bass_player_xox 6
If she didn't get it, hopefully you still have the receipt, because you can contact the store and they can find out if its been used or not, if it hasn't been used, they can cancel the authorization on that card and give you a new one. But it is not rude in the least to ask if she's received it.
2006-09-20 05:32:23
answer #9
answered by Sandi A 4
TELL her your worried she never got your gift.ASK her if she recieved your card and gift as the mail some times dont deliever what people send. BTw hows the baby doing? )by he way thats low class to not thank you.)
2006-09-20 05:47:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
yes, ask her is she got the gift card. Chances are she will be like, oh yes, the gift card...you used cash to buy something that is just like cash, but more restrictive. Thank you so much.
2006-09-20 05:26:04
answer #11
answered by jfahd 4