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Don't you think the illegals from central america that are overrunning this country will be what eventually ruins this country? Not terrorism, not china or north korea, but useless peasants that will drive this country into the third world? Don't get me wrong, I like immigration, really from anywhere like asia, africa and europe, it just seems to me, and unfortunately for us, the crappiest people are the ones right next door. When I look at a little asian kid I say well there's a future engineer or doctor. When I look at a little hispanic I say f*ck, just another future gang banger or orange vendor on the side of the road. So, you pick fruit and and vacuum hotels, you can train a f*ckin animal to do that, but then you'd have PETA on our asss. We don't need these useless people, imagine the percentage of people on welfare in 30 years. I'd move to Canada, but you just know when they're done destroying this country, they're next. Something seriously needs to be done

2006-09-20 01:54:03 · 10 answers · asked by morgan p 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

10 answers

I agree something needs to be done and done now, especially with the illegal immigrants. We have laws concerning the proper way to immigrate to this country and those who come into this country illegally are lawbreakers...plain and simple.

I know we just don't have the manpower to deport the millions who are in this country illegally but we certainly should not be rewarding them for being here...health care..driver's licences...etc.

It's a complicated issue. Our laws needed to be enforced and our elected officials need to be held accountable.

2006-09-20 02:25:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i am very sadden by your words and opinions. i am sad because it has been a while since i have heard someone so close minded. i am very sad that you have had such bad expriences with immigrants that you would think so low of them. we are all immigrants. no one group is better or worst than the other. I am an immigrant from europe. my parents were immigrant from cuba. i have neighbors who are immigrant from mexico, jamaica, haiti, cuba and even german. i love having such different neighbors and learning about them. live is too short to be with so much hatred and instead you should be putting all that energy in helping those who are less fortuneate and helping out your own community so it can get better. it is easy to judge like it is easy to say whether you like the president or not. but if you dont speak your mind, if you dont vote, then you dont count. i am proud to be an american citizen and much more because i choose to be on, i was not born one. i stand proud to defend this great country as a LATINA and unless you have not liveds in a socialized or communist country, you have no right to express why thousands of people rather call united states there home than any other place.

2006-09-20 09:16:57 · answer #2 · answered by lasalle_1986 4 · 2 0

You have it all wrong, you are sterotyping different cultures from your own. For example, you said you saw an asian kid and asian are known to be smart so you automatically assume he will be a future engineer or doctor. Well thats not true, all asians are not smarter than we are or get good jobs.

Everyone has the potential to do well no matter what culture or background they are from. Don't put another culture down because of sterotypes maybe that hispanic will work hard and become the doctor or engineer.

2006-09-20 09:06:11 · answer #3 · answered by drunken_monkey1988 4 · 1 0

Wow you sound just a little racist to me. There are Asian gang bangers too you know? And Mexican Doctors and Lawyers. Although the porportions might be a little swaying to favor your arguement, you can't just s.h.i.t. on entire race because some of them are in Gangs. I am an ex-gang-banger. and I am almost done with nursing school. People CAN change you know.

2006-09-20 10:28:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are a hateful ignorant individual. After you answered my request for prayer for my infant nephew fighting for his life, by calling him a douchbag, I thought i would check out your other answers. It is confirmed you are a waste of peoples time. You need redemption in a huge way! And I also found from one of your other questions, that you were not born in the US either. You have a lot of nerve stereo typing others. Get some help before your own self hatred makes you rot from the inside out.

2006-09-21 19:24:36 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

all these illegals we are forced to try to civilize in our schools is the very reason you look at an asian kid & see a future engineer or doctor instead of an American kid

No Amnesty (by any name)
Attrition thru Local, State & Federal Enforcement
Repeal the 14th Amendment

2006-09-20 11:26:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

IM proud to be a f*ckin Malaysian,
America is a great country, i'll tell you that, its the most open-minded country, but because of them terrorist sons of bitches and illegal immigrants, you guys are getting owned everyday, and vote for a better president next time, god bless America.
Im proud to be F*ckin Pro-American

2006-09-20 09:01:59 · answer #7 · answered by dudewtf? 2 · 3 0

It is predicted that by 2040 nearly 80% of Texas will be Hispanic...ofcourse Mexicans

2006-09-20 18:03:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yeah thats rite im a gang banger b*tch u better watch ur white *** before i busta cap in it

ima run this country!!!!!

2006-09-20 09:12:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It appears that way.

2006-09-20 09:38:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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