Don't you think the illegals from central america that are overrunning this country will be what eventually ruins this country? Not terrorism, not china or north korea, but useless peasants that will drive this country into the third world? Don't get me wrong, I like immigration, really from anywhere like asia, africa and europe, it just seems to me, and unfortunately for us, the crappiest people are the ones right next door. When I look at a little asian kid I say well there's a future engineer or doctor. When I look at a little hispanic I say f*ck, just another future gang banger or orange vendor on the side of the road. So, you pick fruit and and vacuum hotels, you can train a f*ckin animal to do that, but then you'd have PETA on our asss. We don't need these useless people, imagine the percentage of people on welfare in 30 years. I'd move to Canada, but you just know when they're done destroying this country, they're next. Something seriously needs to be done
10 answers
asked by
morgan p
Politics & Government
➔ Immigration