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My HDD have 2 partitions. 1st one has windows xp professional and the 2nd one has xp home. I want to remove the xp home. is it safe to format the partition containing the xp home? what's the best option except formatting the whole HDD?

2006-09-20 01:49:57 · 7 answers · asked by EARTH 3 in Computers & Internet Software

7 answers

Print this instruction, if you are not good at remembering.

Remove the second partition and let the first one be contiguous.

You should know whether it is a Basic format or Dynamic format.

Go to:

My computer, right click, Manage, Disk Management. Look at your disk on the top dialogue box, where it will say what kind it is -whether Basic or Dynamic. Chances are it is Basic. It should also say Healthy (system) for the first partition. Don't touch this one.

Come down to the bottom dialogue box, right click, delete the second partition (CAREFUL..!) and choose quick format box and format.

Now go to Start, Run, type in 'mscfg', choose startup tab. Delete the reference to the other operating system. (careful...!!). If you delete the wrong line your computer won't start.......

Viola............ and there you have it. If you know what you doing, it should take you all of 1 minute.

2006-09-20 02:08:24 · answer #1 · answered by Nightrider 7 · 0 0

You have the 1st partition with windows XP pro ok and using windows xp pro if you have installed any programs in the 2nd partition then it is not safe to format the 2nd partition which contains the home edition because the programs installed thro pro in the 2nd partition would also be erased and you will lose them. In such cases simply delete the windows from the 2nd partition ( i.e delete the windows directory and all its driver files etc.) and use it.

2006-09-20 09:14:03 · answer #2 · answered by ssmindia 6 · 0 0

Boot into you XP Pro Partition. In the Control Panel / Administrative Tools / got to Computer Management.
From there you have to access ' Storage ' and then get into ' Disk Management ' .
If everything is set up normally you should see two Partitions there. You will also see your CD-ROM Drive mentioned there.

The partition that you booted from will always be C:\. You can check the other Partition and delete it or format it as needed.

2006-09-20 09:02:15 · answer #3 · answered by ArnieSchivaSchangaran 4 · 0 0

format the 2nd partition and delete the second line in the boot.txt and it will automatically start the win xp pro when u start the PC

2006-09-20 08:52:45 · answer #4 · answered by Smarty 2 · 1 0

Sorry but u need to format the whole HDD. Bcoz the system files for both are saved at the same place. U cant delete them manually. So u need to format ur HDD

2006-09-20 09:06:01 · answer #5 · answered by twity 2 · 0 0

Your solution is simple: boot from WinXP Pro, go to D:\ and delete Windows directory. It is safe, and you will not receive any errors, because WinXP Home isn't connected with your WinXP Pro. You can also delete other directories if you want.If you have setuped dual boot, you will still see the boot choice at the startup. You can modify it by modifying your boot file (Start --> Control Panel --> System --> Advanced --> Startup and Recovery --> Settings --> Edit. Or just leave it as it is.

2006-09-20 09:46:46 · answer #6 · answered by dryu 1 · 0 0

I used to format hard disk. I think that way is the best.

2006-09-20 08:55:14 · answer #7 · answered by JayHawk 5 · 0 0

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