I would tell her, theres a huge problem going on in the world with this nowadays, its in magazines and everything. I remember an article in Essence about women who were clueless about there boyfriends and husbands being Bi and gay, and to their surprise they caught STDs from these men.
If you tell her, then you could be saving her life from any STDs transmitted through bi-sexual sex. and how would you feel if you found out that a few weeks later she has AIDS because of this guy, and because you didn't tell her.... think about it....
2006-09-19 16:19:56
answer #1
answered by Red Crayon Aristocrat 3
You should keep it to yourself. You are "friendly" with the paralegal but not a friend. I would hope that she and everyone practices safe sex!! But that is not your responsibility.
Generally how it should work if you are in a situation like this when you are very close to all the individuals involved is to give the gentleman the opportunity to tell her himself and let him know that if he does not inform her you feel that as a friend you must. Set a deadline.
2006-09-19 23:27:02
answer #2
answered by seaelen 5
No I would not tell. It is up to him to tell the lady he is dating that he is bi not you. You have no ideal what is going on in his personal life or the lady he is dating. Everyone today has a past even you have a past that you don't tell. Put it this way how would you like someone to tell your husband, boyfriend something very personal about you. Same here with him. He will tell her in due time if the relationship calls for it.
2006-09-19 23:15:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Keep it to yourself, it's not your business to get involved in other people's affairs. Especially if you just started the job and don't know how the paralegal will react to the info you give her. She may treat you with disdain afterward.
2006-09-19 23:10:15
answer #4
answered by Lainie 2
While I think that it might be okay for her man to be bisexual, she must be aware of it. But, I would only tell her if you're a very close friend, otherwise she might take it the wrong way. So just consider that.
2006-09-19 23:15:31
answer #5
answered by Roberto 7
That's a tough one. Usually when it comes to telling someone about their "friend" I don't tell anything unless they ask what I think or do I know this person. Usually it's better for things to come out on their own.
2006-09-19 23:12:54
answer #6
answered by Cara Beth 6
It is none of your business. Keep that info out of the office. Do your job and punch out at 5.
2006-09-19 23:11:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
to be honest, i think i would tell the person cuz what if he has some sort of std? wouldnt u want to know if ur partner had an std before you contracted it?
2006-09-20 00:01:16
answer #8
answered by MagicManJ 1
just keep it to urself you just started this job and im sure that you want ta keep it but if you to become closer friends then i would say something to herand dont tell no one else in the office
2006-09-19 23:13:18
answer #9
answered by Jeannie T 3
You should respect his wishes and keep it to yourself. If you told her there is no telling what her reaction might be, from hurt to anger. It is also possible she might not believe you, and then she might mess with your job.
2006-09-19 23:15:14
answer #10
answered by swtstuf2003 2