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Why do you mexicans feel that if you left, there would be no one here to do those jobs? Just a little reminder: America has been here for how many hundreds of years? obviously someone in the past picked a lettuce of two, or did we import all our lettuce? americans of all races will gladly pick lettuce, just not for ten cents an hour. the reason why people wages are so low now, is because of all the mexicans just working for scraps. our income should be 8% higher than what it is now, but the illegals are such a drain on the economy we are lagging. All you non beleivers do me a favor, total up all the money spent on free education, healthcare, prisons, food stamps, public assistance. public housing, theft. then subtract the amount supposedly put into the economy from mexicans. take whats left over and add 7 to 10 billion that goes back to mexico each year, and tell me what you get... The answer is F*cked! because that is whats happening each year, Wake up america!!!!!!!

2006-09-19 15:43:11 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

14 answers

You really need to brush up on your history. There have always been people used for cheap labor in the US and it wasn't always illegal Mexicans though they have been here just as long as the good ole US of A.

During the colonial days they were shipping indentured servants over that pretty much were slaves that were paid so little they could never hope to repay their travel debt.

Then came the Indians but they were not too keen on that idea. Not only that but their immune systems could not handle all the goodies euro's carried over from the old world.

Next were our African American brothers who were much heartier and tolerated everything thrown at them, I think they got to pick lettuce somewhere during that time. I betcha they wished they could be deported at the time.

Then cam the Chinese, them railroads sure as hell didn't get built themselves. Btw they still have communties where they do not speak English. Never hear anyone complaining about them while picking up their orders of food.

As for Mexicans, for the most part they were doing it all since well they just didn't appear overnight. Mexico has a history just as old as the US. They have always been there it's just nobody raised a fuss. During WW2 the US government made a deal with Mexico. They paid them mucho dollars to ship over able bodied men to work the fields and in some cases work the factories and the coal mines. Of course they got screwed over by both governments but thats another story.

Now those billions you say get sent to Mexico. If you look around someone posted that according to some site as of January of this year until now 24 million, notice its million and NOT billion has been sent to mexico by illegal immigrants. Yeah it's soo close to your estimate right?

So you see while you may have picked a few .. we have always had cheap immigrant labor doing all the work for us throughout our history. Not saying we couldnt do it ourselves but we sure as hell didn't do it alone.

Anyway quit exaggerating and please for the love of god get hard facts before posting useless babble. It's makes the rest of us feel smarter than we are with all your misinformation.

2006-09-19 16:14:11 · answer #1 · answered by Tegeras 4 · 1 0

Fiasco, you are correct about illegals driving down wages. You are also right about illegals injecting their dollars into Mexico's spending stream, instead of the U.S.'s, when they send their earnings back to relatives (If it was earned in the U.S., it should be spent in the U.S.) in Mexico. You are also right that U.S. laborers have picked produce in the past and will do so in the future (When all the Mexican illegals are returned to the country that is unable to provide them with gainful employment) Field wages will then rise thus attracting U.S. workers back to that industry. Such an event would, of course, result in produce costs going up a few cents. But any legal, U.S. citizen should be more than happy to pay a few cents more for his garden salad if it means that more U.S. citizens will find agricultural employment. Chances are, at least, that the U.S. agricultural workers will spend their earnings in the good old U.S. of A. There are certain groups in the south of Mexico who are pressuring their government to join the 20th century. Mexican citizens should be busy supporting them with so much vigor that they don't have the strength to swim a river or cross a desert.............Verdad?

2006-09-20 01:41:41 · answer #2 · answered by Huero 5 · 0 1

you should try do something more about this situation. I do agree with you. I am a highly educated legal alien(master's degree and post graduate study) who has followed the rules always and I am still waiting to get my next visa approved. imagine how I feel about this: we(the legal aliens) were required to pass language tests(TOEFL, GRE) with high score even before we can buy a plane ticket to come here to study in a legitimate university. We were required to be able to read and write in English fluently(even much better than the average americans can). and now I hear all these mexicans/hispanics workers talking loudly in Spanish when the room is full of American customers in many businesses. lots of times the mexican/hispanic shop clerks would look at me and not understanding a word I am saying(and she' s being paid!!)quite honestly, I am greatly concerned about how the illegals are bringing down the standards and qualities of many many things in this country.

2006-09-19 16:08:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It doesn't matter if us Mexicans left and leave the US. Probably the chinese would take lower wages than us, I don't know.

to.. the chinese... As long as you're willing to pay, mexicans are willing to risk their lives crossing the frontier to make some money to take to their families.

The immigration issues are not a black and white thing. Whatever happens, it won't have an easy fix. Yeah, maybe you don't want immigrants, which I understand, but do you really pay attention where all your things that you buy are made in teh USA or Taiwan?

2006-09-19 15:50:20 · answer #4 · answered by Roberto 7 · 2 0

I don't understand how messed up your thinking is. last time I checked America was discovered by columbus. North America includes Mexico. If you mean the Unites States of America, then that's different. Also this is a land of immigrants, only people that have a right to say anything about immigration are my people, the native americans, that all you foreigners kicked of the land. So I guess what goes around comes around. You invaded the Native American's land so, now other Immigrants are invading you.

2006-09-19 16:06:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Another close-minded fool or Joker!

Mexicans have a work ethic beyond your compensation. They're not here for handouts.

Your government should together with Mexico for a better solution.

America truly doesn't belong to the Anglo.

2006-09-19 17:40:03 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 1 1

Corporations love to exploit. They are exploiting these people who just want to eat and the industry gets even richer. Your theory is logical but i think its more complex than that. If there was interest to give higher wage, do u think these corporations would hire people from mexico? Hell no! They would get competent guys who speak their language and understand american work ethics better. But there lies the dellima, corporations donot (i repeat DONOT) want to benefit these poor people or middle incomed people in america. They want to benefit themselves!!! So who's the blame u think?

2006-09-19 15:55:08 · answer #7 · answered by john s 3 · 2 1

Wal-Mart--which never met a labor law it didn’t break--was fined $11 million for employing undocumented cleaners, some of whom were locked overnight in stores and paid no overtime. In 2004, the company took in more than $288 billion in revenue.

SO maybe you should aim your bigotry pointer at the real illegals hmmm?

2006-09-19 15:53:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You are getting mad at the wrong people. You should be upset with the American economic terrorist that knowingly hire illegals. Only a few illegals steal identity. I am mad because these terrorist put us on the spot to tell these people they broke the law so they must deport. I think we have a illegal employer problem.

2006-09-19 15:51:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

it's now up to 25 billion being sent back

2006-09-19 15:54:01 · answer #10 · answered by Zoe 4 · 3 0

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