You can't. Legally anyway. Just go to a computer store near by, and they might have a disk they can sell you. Shouldn't be no more than $10 or so. Because as long as you still have your COA your not buying the program, you already have it, you just need the cd, so it shouldn't be as expensive. Because when you buy something like that, all you are buying is the COA, or the "right" to install and use that program.
2006-09-19 10:40:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Microsoft has stop the support for all previous version of Window last year-(after Window XP and SP 1 & SP2)you will have to buy from the dead stock from the software outlet or from your friends.
2006-09-19 10:38:35
answer #2
answered by precede2005 5
If you have the original CD (Not Pirated) you can obtain a free replacement by calling Microsoft Customer Support, They will ask for the CD Key and numbers printed on the CD in hologram and you just pay for S&H.
2006-09-19 10:37:16
answer #3
answered by Rayyan Sameer 3
If I knew the place you have been i could keep a replica and deliver to you. there are dissimilar people who seem to choose to place this on a 2nd partion for older video games, which won,t run below XP.
2016-12-12 11:19:02
answer #4
answered by ? 4
But don't. Get XP.. or Vista.
2006-09-19 10:36:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
HMM i think p2p can help u
2006-09-19 10:44:26
answer #6
answered by LOST 6