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my kitty has all these very small bugs on her stomach and her neck
what are those.
i gave her a bath but none of them die!
what should i do!

2006-09-19 10:29:38 · 21 answers · asked by holla! 2 in Pets Cats

it crawks over her body its really gross

2006-09-19 10:33:43 · update #1

21 answers

You have a couple of options here.

First option is taking your cat to the vet. If the cat is old enough, they can administer a flea bath or a capstar treatment that will kill all the fleas. But I have no idea how much either one costs.

Second option is what Old Cat Lady suggested; get the fleas under control yourself wish frequent grooming with a flea comb, and another bath. Don't use anything by Hartz....in fact, over-the-counter flea treatments of any kind can be toxic to your cat and completely inaffective. Bathing your cat with flea shampoo usually isn't any more affective than bathing it with regular cat or baby shampoo.

I see a lot of people recommending Frontline or Advantage. My personal preference is Frontline Plus because it kills the adult fleas, larvae, and flea eggs. Advantage only kills adult fleas. It can be a bit pricey depending on where you get it, but it's well worth the money. I just put my cats on it, and they are flea-free. It kills everything within 18 hours after application.

2006-09-19 11:48:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When you give a kitten a bath you will not get ALL the fleas. You need to do a lot of combing so you need a flea comb.

I heat water in the micro in a coffee mug, comb through the kitty and dip the comb quickly in the very hot water. The fleas die instantly. You need to comb the kitty three or four times a day to keep the fleas under control.

Check with a vet because if the kitty is old enough she can have some Advantage and that will take care of her for a month.

2006-09-19 17:39:19 · answer #2 · answered by old cat lady 7 · 2 0

Depending on how old the kitty is! Sometimes some flea shampoo you can't use on kittens under 6 months old check with vet before you apply any medication on a kitten!! Or go to www.petmeds.com and they can tell you the best meds to use on a kitten!! But get some help soon because fleas can kill cats or any other animal for that matter. The fleas can make the kitten anemic because it's so young and vulnerable so please help your kitty immeditly!!

2006-09-19 19:21:01 · answer #3 · answered by rocker_gurl08 1 · 1 0

Use Frontline Flea Medicine for cats. You can get it from Petmeds.com. Going to a vet depends on how serious you think the problem is. My personal opinion is that vets overcharge, and don't usually do much anyway. But, they are helpful if you're completely clueless.

2006-09-19 17:42:02 · answer #4 · answered by me 1 · 1 0

It sounds like fleas. Take her to the vet or a groomer for a flea dip, get something like Frontline to put on her to repel the fleas. then use either a flea-killing powder or borax on your furniture and carpet and vacuum the living daylights out of the house. Even just plain vacuuming will help.

Good luck!

2006-09-19 18:32:10 · answer #5 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

Sounds like ticks. Take her to the vet quickly

2006-09-19 17:56:08 · answer #6 · answered by Rays Fan 4 · 0 0

well if there white or black there tics you have to peel them off or burn them off may wana take to vet or the could be fleas go get some flea medicen

2006-09-19 17:53:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If the bugs are small, black and they can jump like crazy, they're fleas. If that's what they are you need a good flea shampoo. The one I use is Zodiac, it kills fleas, eggs and inhibits fleas from going back onto your cat.

2006-09-19 17:35:41 · answer #8 · answered by Frogodo 3 · 1 2

take your kitty to the vet, they will give it a flea bath. Then you can control them after that. please do so soon, I am sure your kitty is very uncomfortable.

2006-09-19 17:47:22 · answer #9 · answered by Mimiat41 5 · 0 1

they are fleas and a flea bath or Adam's flea spray work great

2006-09-19 18:12:11 · answer #10 · answered by amandapanda74 2 · 0 0

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