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My husband loves KFC's chicken gizzards because they are so tender. When I fry them, they are so rubbery. I've always heard KFC pressure cooks their chicken. Do you think if I pressure cooked a batch, and then floured and fried them they would be more tender? Has anyone tried that? Other suggestions?

2006-09-19 09:41:42 · 15 answers · asked by mslorikoch 5 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

15 answers

Yes, but brown them first before pressure cooking.

2006-09-19 09:45:06 · answer #1 · answered by bubsir 4 · 0 0

Pressure Cooking Fried Chicken

2016-11-16 03:24:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes, nothing will tenderize and make a better gizzard then a high pressure cooker in water, then rinse with cold water after tender, allow to drye mostly, then batter and frye at 400 degrees for only 4 minutes because they are tenderized and already precooked before you fry them.
A pressure fryer will not give same results to a steam pressure cooker where you high pressure steam them fully tenderizing before batter deep frying. A pressure fryer can slightly tenderize gizzards and cook them fast, but if you ever had real battered deep fried gizzards that are as tender as chicken nuggets that you can dip in Bullsey BBQ and Hot sauce you have never had real tender gizzards

2015-04-11 22:16:50 · answer #3 · answered by Kid 1 · 2 0

Actually, KFC doesn't technically "pressure cook" with water the way you are thinking with a normal kitchen boiling water pressure cooker you can buy at Target or Wal-Mart -- they "pressure fry" the chicken in oil in a special pressure fryer.

The cooking happens so fast in a pressure fryer, the water stays in the chicken - no rubbery gizzards.

WARNING: This can be very dangerous. And the amount of money you will spend on a specialized pressure fryer and oil for the thing is probably cost prohibitive.

If this an occasional treat, you are probably better off just buying them at KFC.

2006-09-19 09:50:09 · answer #4 · answered by David S 2 · 0 0

Hi! Well, I can't understand why people eat frogs legs, fish eggs, and snails, and charge a fortune for these, but there you are! First, it's entirely possible you are over-boiling the gizzards, so try this approach... Put the gizzards in plain water on low boil for only ten minutes. Drain and gently roll out over paper towels, then spread them out in a large frying pan with a small amount of olive oil, add a pair of large chopped fresh garlic cloves, some diced onions, a pinch of black pepper, and briskly stir over a medium flame until they are a uniform medium brown color. Dark brown, or shiny spots, means you over did it. *Don't add salt* anytime during the cooking stages! Salt is what shrinks and hardens the gizzards. Now bread these gizzards with plain flour, and throw them into the deep fryer until the breading is golden brown. Done gizzards have a pale pink core. Right after the gizzards are dumped out of the fryer, very lightly sprinkle them with celery salt. Enjoy.

2016-03-17 23:01:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Kfc Pressure Cooker

2016-12-29 11:52:35 · answer #6 · answered by deweese 3 · 0 0

Oh yes! I did this yesterday. I pressure cooked them for 20 minutes at 15 pounds of pressure then let them cool. Then I dipped them in a well beaten egg and then battered them with flour and seasonings. I dropped them in my deep fryer at 370 degrees until brown. Probably about 5 minutes. They are absolutely one of my favorite things to fix when I have one of those days that I don't know what I want. Try it...you'll like it.

2015-12-03 03:56:14 · answer #7 · answered by James 1 · 0 0

If you want to eat truly healthy, lose body fat consistently, normalize your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, prevent cancer, and even boost your brain health and energy levels, you may have heard all over the news that the Paleo Diet has been found to be one of the best methods of achieving all of these benefits compared to any other popular "fad" diets out there. Go here https://biturl.im/aU5C8

The truth is that the Paleo Diet will never be considered a fad because it's just simply the way that humans evolved to eat over approximately 2 million years. And eating in a similar fashion to our ancestors has been proven time and time again to offer amazing health benefits, including prevention of most diseases of civilization such as cancer, heart disease, alzheimers, and other chronic conditions that are mostly caused by poor diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest misunderstandings about the Paleo Diet is that it's a meat-eating diet, or a super low-carb diet. This is not true

2016-05-31 07:49:23 · answer #8 · answered by lue 3 · 0 0

KFC does pressure cook their chicken. My son used to work for them. I think that it would make any meat more tender and tasty if it was pressure cooked first. I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds like a real good idea.

2006-09-19 09:45:41 · answer #9 · answered by vbryant52 2 · 0 0

I'd fry them in a pressure cooker like the Col does. A pressure cooker seems to make things more tender.

2006-09-19 09:44:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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