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I want to introduce a large serie of numbers in a excell column (patient´s charts) and I don´t want that the program accept repeated numbers I´ve tried with data validation but it accepts repeated numbers that I have to eliminate after

2006-09-19 07:49:04 · 5 answers · asked by aristo 2 in Computers & Internet Software

5 answers

This only works in a 2 column problem, not if you have a patient number and then 4 or 5 different results.

Ok. You can make a pivot table (choose count), then copy the whole thing and paste the values at the same place. That way you can use the table. Throw away the content you don't need and if you have done it right the Y-column shows the figures you need without any doubles.

2006-09-19 07:53:02 · answer #1 · answered by meiguanxi :) 4 · 0 0

A round about way to eliminate the repeated values:

1. Drop all of your data into the column you want it in (for demonstrative purposes, lets say it's in column A, starting in row 1)
2. Sort your data if it isn't ordered in any way (ascending or descending)
3. In the column to the right (say B) type in the function =A1=A2 (this is a logic function that will tell you whether the value in A1 is the same as in A2)
4. Drag the function all the way down to the end of your data
5. Anywhere it says 'true' you have a duplicate and can delete it

2006-09-19 07:54:21 · answer #2 · answered by Robin A. 3 · 0 0

Highlight the data in the column
Sort the data so you can see the duplicates
Click Data>Filter>Advanced Filter
Click the Copy to another location button
Click the Unique records only box
Enter a position you want the data to be at like G5 would be $G$5.
Click OK
Unfortunately, it seems to leave the very first entry and gives the unique entries after it so just delete the first entry.

2006-09-19 07:58:35 · answer #3 · answered by Dennis K 4 · 0 0

Try creating an automatic filter on the column where you have repeated numbers, then filter the values, you will have them all together, then decide which ones to delete. After that, eliminate the filter and the white rows.

2006-09-19 07:58:59 · answer #4 · answered by Angel 1 · 0 0

It sounds like you need a small database application, not Excel...

2006-09-19 07:53:59 · answer #5 · answered by NC 7 · 0 0

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