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I am hand rearing a tiny kitten, have been told I can feed it lambs milk (powder to reconstitute with water). Is this correct?

2006-09-19 04:17:09 · 15 answers · asked by jnpnwsk 1 in Pets Cats

15 answers

Yes, you can! We used Unimilk for a kitten, and we have also used other formulations made for goats and lamb's. And we have also used Meyenberg's concentrated goat milk from the grocery store that comes in a can...

Just don't use the kind formulated for puppies... not enough calories for kittens...

2006-09-19 04:20:07 · answer #1 · answered by ♥♥♥ Mommy to Two ♥♥♥ 5 · 2 0

I hav hand reared all my kittens that i hav had, i personally think that goats milk is the best supliment you can give them, full of vitamins to help them grow big and strong, also a handy tip is that when there about 4-6 weeks of age try warming sum goats milk and mix with a small amount of kitten food, (in loaf) they love it and it teaches them to lap!
Good luck with your new fluffy bundle.

2006-09-20 16:54:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry to be confused, but do lambs actually have milk? I think not. If you mean Ewe's milk for lambs, that might be fine. Most people use goat's milk (for kids) which is really good for all baby mammals ...

2006-09-22 16:25:58 · answer #3 · answered by kiteeze 5 · 0 0

Not sure if it's O.K. but they do make milk specifically to feed your kitten. It's called KRM(Kitten Replacement Milk) and you can get it at any pet store(and most grocery stores in the pet food aisle).

2006-09-19 13:46:05 · answer #4 · answered by 14Words 3 · 0 0

no you shouldn't really they can't breakdown the proteins and get nutrients from it, there is something called cimicat that you can get from vets pet shops and other places and that would be better, if you have nothing else lamb milk is better than cows milk

2006-09-19 17:17:59 · answer #5 · answered by vettie77 2 · 0 0

you can use that if you have to but they have a product out in the stores now that is similar to the mother cats milk if you can get that it would be best

2006-09-19 13:39:47 · answer #6 · answered by babygirl_wif_angelwings 1 · 0 0

i dont know,but you said there tiny kittens so yes they need milk.

2006-09-19 11:24:01 · answer #7 · answered by sh_ptrsn 1 · 0 0

at stores they usually have kitten formula

2006-09-19 11:26:53 · answer #8 · answered by macleod709 7 · 0 0

Why not give your Vet a bell?
It is after all his job to know.

2006-09-19 11:19:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Y e s

2006-09-19 11:21:19 · answer #10 · answered by q6656303 6 · 0 0

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