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He has always insisted that the litter box be cleaned daily. Lately, he has decided that the corner in the livingroom is his spot of choice. We took him to the vet and he checked out fine. We have tried rubbing his nose in it and yelling at him, but that does not work. He seems to be going at night. We know right away when he has not used the litter box because he tries to slink away when we get up in the morning.

2006-09-18 13:38:17 · 17 answers · asked by Andy A 1 in Pets Cats

17 answers

maybe he does not like the litter you are using, try using a different kind of litter. I also take the litter box outside once a week and wash it outside and put fresh litter in. maybe it smells bad and your cat does not like it. I have two cats and one will not go in if the litter box smells bad.

2006-09-18 13:40:39 · answer #1 · answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7 · 0 0

Have you recently changed the brand of litter you use? that can be an issue, cats are funny about that.

If he went to the vet and is fine then it is most likely behavioral.

Things to try:

Throw out his old litter box and purchase a brand new one.

Purchase a product (sold at Petsmart) called LITTER ATTRACT,it is made specifically to lure your cat to his box.

Clean all soiled areas with Natures Miracle to remove scent.

If it only happens at night, is there a reason he can't get to his box?
Has there been any changes in the household? new person, someone leave for college? Is there a new cat that may live outdoors in your neighborhood that may also be the cause?

If these suggestions don't help, try confining him to one room for a week, with his litter pan, food and water and see if he will use his box that way.

Good Luck, I am a cat owner and know this problem well.

2006-09-18 13:46:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sounds like our cat Cuddles. She is too refined for a litter box. She has a lot of attitude. She is an indoor/outdoor cat. She is bossy and demanding. She refuses to use the litter box when she sleeps inside due to weather. Cuddles knows where it is and what it is for. One week while we were on vacation, she stayed in the house & was checked on daily by a friend. She did her duty right next to the box every time.
It's a statement. Your cat is probably pissed about something.

2006-09-18 17:02:22 · answer #3 · answered by Becky 5 · 0 0

Rubbing his nose in it won't work - it might work for dogs, but never for cats. If you don't catch him while he's doing it, he won't get the connection.

If he's healthy, it must be something psychological. Where is the litter box located? Is it in a dark place? He may need a nightlight. Or maybe it's too far from the bedroom.

Do you have other pets? They may be intimidating him somehow, preventing him from getting to the litter box.

Have you tried a new litter box? Maybe the old one smells too much, even with fresh litter.

2006-09-18 13:43:40 · answer #4 · answered by kris 6 · 0 1

Different animals have different personalities...just like people. Sometimes animals do things out of attention, or frustration. I suppoe the best thing to do is just keep attempting different approaches. A couple of ideas...
Move the litter box to the corner that he likes to go in...
or, if need be...put the cat with the litter box in a smaller room, and lock the door for a while. He will find that he has to use it....its hard, but its probably for the betterment of your carpet!
Good luck!

2006-09-18 13:41:51 · answer #5 · answered by frankgrimes.rm 2 · 0 1

I echo the sentiments of maybe changing the litter. And clean the litterbox itself. Even though it may seem clean to you, remember that a cat's sense of smell is much better than yours. That's also why he seems to be returning to the same spot in the corner of your living room. Eliminate his scent in that spot. See the links below on how.

Also, something to try is to bring him to the litterbox, grab his paw and scratch the litter with it. It shows him what he's supposed to do.

Don't scold him and then put him in the litterbox. He'll associate the litterbox with punishment, and that'll make matters worse. Praise him with petting and "Good kitty"s when he goes in the box.

2006-09-18 13:57:46 · answer #6 · answered by charliew77 3 · 0 1

When I first got my cat he did the same thing. He liked along the wall. What I did was lock him in the room that the litterbox was at night and when I wasn't home and he eventually got the idea to use the litterbox. I know it sounds a little mean but it works.

2006-09-18 13:40:46 · answer #7 · answered by ♥Trinity♥ 4 · 1 0

put the litter box where he is going to the bathroom this happened with my cat the litter box was in another room but she liked going to the bathroom in the living room corner...so we moved it there and she turned out happy and no more messes on the floor!!!!

2006-09-18 13:41:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i agree put the litter box in that corner he might just have gotten tired of that certain spot. cats are very stubborn.

or try changing the brand of the litter.

2006-09-18 13:41:45 · answer #9 · answered by Lisa 1 · 0 1

Have you changed litter brands? Then maybe the cat isn't used to it or doesn't like the smell. Either way if you have or haven't, you have to discipline him (like, bring him to the poop, show him that it's wrong and squirt him with water in a spray bottle). It will eventually teach him.

2006-09-18 13:41:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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