She is just showing love. The only way to stop her is to shut your door. Don't let her sleep with you
2006-09-18 12:44:36
answer #1
answered by allyalexmch 6
Q: Being a first time cat owner, I have a question: Why does my cat lick me? Is it for salt or whatever taste is on my hands or is a sign of affection or all of the above?
A: Yes, your cat licking you can be "all of the above" but most often it really is a sign of affection. Another way of showing affection is gently biting on your nose or your face. Also, looking at you and slowly blinking her eyes is a way of saying "I love you." You can respond in the same way, if you want. I do it with my cats all the time.
I don't recommend closing the bedroom door. Any cat owner will tell you that cats will persistently scratch on a door that is closed until someone on the other side lets them in. That, to me, seems much more annoying. Next time, try to cuddle her close and see if laying next to you will stop her. You might also want to give her a little more attention at night before you go to bed. She'll get used to this and come to expect that. That might also help.
2006-09-24 15:54:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Try shutting your bedroom door when you go to bed.
However, your cat may be hungry. I used to give my kitten a can of food at night and just figured I'd give him another can when i wake up in the morning. Well...he was hungry WAY before I got out of bed and would rub on my face until I got up and gave him a can. solve this...I gave him a can of food at night and also set out some hard food that he could munch on as he pleased. This seemed to solve the problem and now I get up when I want to....not when my cat wants me to. haha. Good luck.
2006-09-19 02:29:50
answer #3
answered by Ashley S 3
We must have the same cat.
I always say the licking thing is the cat washing her food. lol. Close your bedroom door. One of my cats gets to sleep with me but she is 14 and well behaved. The other 2 do the licking thing.
Also, 2 of them just love to sit on the back of my chair when I am on the computer.
You forgot to mention the newspaper. Why do the flop down on it whenever you are trying to read it?
2006-09-18 19:45:48
answer #4
answered by WendyD1999 5
close your bedroom door?
if that's not possible, keep pushing her off the bed til she gets the message, or put her in another room and close the door, or in the basement, or outside, or in a cat cage, whatever it takes to get the message across.
2006-09-18 19:44:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well maybe she wants some attention. Are you giving her enough attention. You could see how that works. You could allso try a cage or locking her in a diffrent room.
2006-09-18 19:46:25
answer #6
answered by Burnetts R Better 1
Scream loudly and throw her across the room when she wakes you up. Or hit her with a taser. Guaranteed she will stop after the first couple of tries.
2006-09-18 19:43:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Uh, do you have a door on your bedroom you can close? That should keep her out!
2006-09-19 09:18:09
answer #8
answered by Lydia 7
apparently she reallly loves you... but close your door when you sleep...get her a playmate then she will leave you alone
2006-09-18 19:46:47
answer #9
answered by CHEEKY 3
shut you door at night and then she wont bother you.
2006-09-18 19:45:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous