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what markings colours personality ect...

2006-09-18 11:13:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

14 answers

Agreed that a tabby must have the 'M' on it's head. There is an old fable that Mohammed went to pick-up his coat one day, and found a cat asleep on the sleeve of the coat. Rather than disturb that cat, he tore the sleeve off his coat so that he could wear it. Since then, all tabbies have the 'M' mark on their heads.

Silver tabbies are nice, but prone to fleas.

2006-09-18 11:54:43 · answer #1 · answered by Phish 5 · 1 0

A tabby is a cat with a distinctive coat that features stripes, dots and/or swirling patterns. Tabbies are often mistakenly assumed to be a breed of cat. In fact, the tabby pattern is a naturally occurring feature that may be the original coloration of the domestic cat's distant ancestors. Tabby coloration is found in many breeds of cat, as well as among the general 'moggy' (mixed-breed or mongrel) population. When cats are allowed to breed randomly, the coloration of the population tends toward brown mackerel tabbies with green eyes, like humans with brown hair and green eyes.

2006-09-18 18:18:09 · answer #2 · answered by chaste_hermione 2 · 3 0

A tabby has stripes. There are 3 kinds of tabbies,
Spotted tabbies have stripes that really are spots close together
Mackeral tabbies have evenly spaced small stripes
Classic tabbies have thick stripes and often a circle on their sides

Colors are usually brown(w/black stripes), grey(with grey or black stripes) or orange(with darker orange stripes)

2006-09-18 18:19:11 · answer #3 · answered by pharfly1 5 · 3 0

if you observe a "tabby" cats markings then you will notice that they have an "M" on their forehead between their ears. ALL tabbies have this and I never noticed it until somebody pointed it out to me. tabbies are also have stripped markings all over their body as well!!! tabbies can commonly be grey, orange, silver, brown etc.

2006-09-18 18:36:43 · answer #4 · answered by *miss lily* 3 · 1 1

Thats LOVE my 2 month old kitty, can anyone please give me exact identification on her breed? I know she is a tabby, since she has the letter M in her firehead, love her patterns, she has a brown nose. What I notice recently, she fluffs up her tail, her tail is unusual from the other cats tail, when she fluffs it looks like fox. I will add a image of her face also..

2014-07-10 13:58:21 · answer #5 · answered by ShD 3 · 1 0

A mummy cat and a daddy cat make a tabby cat!!

2006-09-18 18:23:59 · answer #6 · answered by libbyft 5 · 1 1

Tabby isn't a breed, it's simply a color marking. This site is cool.


2006-09-18 18:21:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well my tabby Eric has an M on his head,white chest and a huge browny/black stripey body. he has a big personality and attitude,if he doesnt like u he will attack u,but i think he is just that way coz he is named after ERIC CANTONA!

2006-09-19 08:46:08 · answer #8 · answered by catwoman 2 · 0 0

a fluffy gingery tortishell stripe markings with fluffy tail and cute paws.

2006-09-18 18:18:04 · answer #9 · answered by lonely as a cloud 6 · 0 0

It's the stripes on it - however noticeable or not.

2006-09-19 09:18:59 · answer #10 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

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