i believe u should go to the hearing tomorrow and take it from there. If he gets out of jail then u have to support him in trying to stop using drugs because it is something that is very hard to do. If he gets sent to jail then i think u should move with ur mom, because u will miss ur mom and if u stay with ur grandparents u will be without any parent. I think u should go with ur mom so that u both can get through this rough time together, u and ur mom will need a shoulder to lean on
2006-09-18 10:19:05
answer #1
answered by Mona Ray 1
Child, you should really sit down and talk to your mother, or maybe a school counselor.
My advice is, don't leave your mother alone. If you stay with your grandparent then she will feel like she lost the two most important poeple at the same time and will feel worst than you will ever know.
I know you feel like your whole life is in california and that maybe it wont be the same in Texas, but you have a chance at a great start, fresh. Make new friends while you keep and take care as best as you can of the old ones.
2006-09-18 10:21:18
answer #2
answered by Sexxyinanothersex 1
First of all, slow down, take a deep breath and take things one day at a time, you dont know yet what will happen with your dad. I hope the best for you and your family, your dad needs support now. You should never enable your dad's drug use but if he seriously wants to get clean, he needs love and support. Your dad is sick, addiction is a disease. If your dad had cancer would you be ashamed and turn your back? If he tries sincerely, support him. In the meantime, slow down and let things happen, everything happens for a reason, good luck, i will remember your family in my prayers.
2006-09-18 11:00:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
oh my gosh I'm really sorry. My parents are needing to move to because of money and their expecting me to suddenly drop everything and move for the first time in 7 years. I would stay with granparents but if you can't make that decision than go by what your mom tells you even if it's haveing to move. I know how you feel I'm with you on that good luck!
2006-09-18 10:24:39
answer #4
answered by Nanner 2
First thing is promise yourself you won't become a user. You're absolutely right--it is a painful, miserable process to get off drugs. There is nothing easy about it. Second, realize that none of this is your fault. I know you love your parents but, truthfully, they have let you down TERRIBLY. Good parents do what they need to do to stay with, protect, love, and nurture their children. Your dad, much as you love, him has abused you. You can be a productive, worthwhile, loveable person in spite of these problems. Third, It is a kind thing that your mother gives you the choice of where to live. It will be tough to choose. You need to realize that there are advantages and disadvantages to whatever choice you make--just as there are in most of the choices we have to make in this life. Fourth, grieve the loss of your dad, cry as much as you feel you can. Tears are your friends much as you don't like them. They relieve pressure and stress. God bless you child.
2006-09-18 10:25:25
answer #5
answered by DelK 7
A 12-year old's place is with her mother - PERIOD !!
Now, about your dad. For now, forget about all this other stuff. IT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM. Unfortunately, you have to suffer some of the consequences of HIS bad behaviour.
But it is not your burden to bear, so let it play out, love your dad & mom, and worry about keeping you and your mom communicating.
Good Luck
2006-09-18 10:26:01
answer #6
answered by snvffy 7
sweetie, i am a mom who made the same mistakes your dad made, that does not mean he is a bad guy, so please dont hate him. things will get better -keep your head up-if i were you i would put all this in gods hands, you shouldnt have to deal with this at your age, moving etc.. just relax dont worry
2006-09-18 10:20:29
answer #7
answered by insane 2
man i'm sorry for your cards you've been dealt,i will pray for you 2 nite .keep your head up .be tuff for your ma.she is going to have a long hard road be a good man for her and be there for her.be the man.....you will do o.k. .......cry it helps ...
2006-09-18 10:26:23
answer #8
answered by ED S 2
Be a good son and do what your mom says.
2006-09-18 10:18:46
answer #9
answered by super stud 4
wow, um... you're family sux @$$. Sux 2 b u.
2006-09-18 10:18:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous