I just adopted a cat a week ago and I didn't even have to potty train him. He knows it when it comes to going to the toilet! However I did have a litter box and that's where he does it. I would recommend having a litter box too, perhaps having it outdoors if you don't like the smell?
Hope it goes well!
2006-09-18 10:20:58
answer #1
answered by x_iloveme_x 2
My advice to you is.....Don't get a cat. If you don't want a litter box, because of the smell, work or whatever and you have no money to neuter him to keep him from marking his territory, then you don't really want a cat. Besides, how can you train him to go outside if you want him to be an indoor cat?
if you do in fact really want a cat you need to realize that cats live a long time (my dad's was almost 20 when she died) and they cost money. If he's going outside then he needs to have his shots or he could get sick and die. He also need to be neutered so he doesn't stray, spray or get into fights with other cats. Not to mention adding to the already overflowing cat population.
If your a responsible person, potty training is the least of your worries.
2006-09-18 10:23:18
answer #2
answered by ? 6
If you have no money then you should skip the whole deal. You and your boyfriend should know better. A kitten is expensive (for worming, shots, testing for feline leukemia and FIV, neutering or spaying, etc.)
An indoor cat must have a litterbox. You are just from nowhere if you don't know that much.
2006-09-18 10:19:00
answer #3
answered by old cat lady 7
if you have no money than you have no business adopting a cat!!!!
it's your RESPONSIBILITY to neuter the kitten when he's old enough!! just because he's going to be an indoor cat doesn't mean he's not ever going to sneak out of the house!!!
if you can't afford to neuter him than how do you expect to pay for his yearly checkups, vaccinations, etc? what if he gets sick? then what? hmm...??
people like you want the companionship of cats/dogs but don't want to live up to the RESPONSIBILITY of actually taking care of them!!!!
FYI: pets ARE NOT free!!!! they get sick like we do you know!!!! oh, and "indoor" cats NEED a litter box!!! common sense!
DO NOT let your boyfriend give you the kitten!! for the kittens sake!!!
2006-09-18 10:32:10
answer #4
answered by *miss lily* 3
oftentimes cats get the image quite immediately. Lock them interior the room that the muddle field is in for the 1st few days, and he ought to circulate interior the field. If he would not, place in spite of he did into the field and tutor him, and he will go. while he gets older, if he's an indoor/outdoors cat he will in all probability visit the washing room outdoors as a rule, in spite of if that's often no longer a stable thought to purpose to coach your kitten to circulate outdoors. additionally, if he is going outdoors make constructive he's mounted, cos male cats have an inclination to roam if intact. For the scent, use arm and hammer cat muddle deodorizer each time you scoop. clean Step muddle with crystals or Tidy Cat distinctive cat works super, and ensure you get the scooping variety. you will hardly scent the field with those manufacturers. additionally, scoop on a daily basis. Cats will play with something that they are able to bat around. Pom poms, rabbit fur cat toys, or feathered balls are often helpful, to boot as issues that rock or keep shifting while hit. Zanies makes a mouse that rocks back and forth that they are going to play for hours with. Rolled up aluminum foil is super, or for greater interplay, get a variety of wands with a boa or feathers on the tip and taunt him with it.
2016-10-15 03:33:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You're being a bit wishy-washy here. You want it inside, you don't want it inside, you don't want it outside, you want it outside....make up your mind.
Unless you get him neutered, he will probably spray. If you don't have the money to get him neutered, either get used to him spraying your home....or don't get a cat.
We let our male outside with us from time to time, but never allow him to run off....he doesn't seem to want to. But he NEVER does his business outside. Cats prefer privacy for this, and I highly doubt any cat would take to being treated like a dog; "Go on, honey, run out and do your business in the middle of the yard while I watch."
You COULD try training him to go on the toilet.....but this won't take care of the spraying problem. Are you under the impression that they spray when they pee? Because they don't. They spray to mark their territory....it has absolutely nothing to do with relieving themselves. And no, you won't be able to train your cat to go spray outside to save your home from it.
2006-09-18 10:35:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sell your computer to pay to have the cat fixed, you will have money to take care of the poor thing over the next year, Vet bills medicine, food and litter.
You shouldn't except an animal your not prepared to take care of.
2006-09-18 10:26:56
answer #7
answered by Chiprat 4
If you have no money, you shouldn't be getting a cat. How do you expect to feed it? And if it's an "indoor cat", why would you want it to go outside?
2006-09-18 10:16:42
answer #8
answered by stevewbcanada 6
i gots a male kitten hes 5months old now n he goes in thre little box UNLESS its not clean then he only goes outside of the box i just kept puttin him in the litter box every 30min to an 1hr
2006-09-18 10:22:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
4 words:
Don't get a cat.
2006-09-18 10:46:00
answer #10
answered by sjoisanne 2