I've been going out with my girl for 1 1/2 years. Everything has been going well until i get a text message from her roomate 4 days ago: "Things aren't always what they seem." I inquire into it and the roomate tells me that she has a boy in her room and insinuates that she has knowlege that they are doing more than watching a movie in there. I freak out, GF phone is on silent, i swear she's cheating, but she calls and tells me it's just a violinist friend from school, a geek named Cyril, that the door was half open and that they were just watching a movie in her bedroom because the living room was occupied. And she made sure to me that it was not Amin, a persian dude from her class, who I had seen on myspace.
So I believe her.
2 days later i crack into her cell phone records online and discover that she's spoken to this guy about 3 to 6 times a day for the past 10 days (convo's only 1 to 5 minutes), so i assume she was just looking for him at school.
Still worried more went on??
33 answers
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Let me add:
She lied about Cyril, the geek violinist and after confonting her with the phone records admitted Amin, the persian dude was in the room and they were only watching a movie (which i pretty much believe), except that I don't trust this guy, looks like a womanizer.
She tells me I'm sufficating her, which as you can tell i'm pretty jelous.
We live in different cities as of now, She's in San Francisco and I'm on Los Angeles, in law school, to make matters worse. See each other every other week.
I believe her, almost 99 percent, but why would the roomate make up such a lie.
She explained that she's jelous, and an immature 19 year old. I do think she likes me, definitely jelous of her roomates who all have bf's, and always wanted them to break up. But to insinuate my gf was cheating?
09:29:17 ·
update #1
She's not cheating. The roomate sounds very jelous, might have a crush on you. Often girls try to destroy other girls' relationships. Messed up, but that's reality. As for the guy in the room, she shouldn't have done that, but it sounds harmless on her part, just didn't know any better. She sounds like a great girl, you should hold on to her. Just let her know that it's not ok to bring a guy over into her room, for a private film showing. Especially if the guys foreign!
2006-09-18 11:58:09
answer #1
answered by Roozbeh F 1
You Have to Vry CareFull if your Right ou Get hurt
if Your Wrong And you Say Something You Get Hurt And lose your Girlfriend.
i say Sit Down And Honestly Ask Her?
look Her Straight in The Eye And Say i Do Trust You and i
Bilieve What You Tell Me.
I'm Not Sayong i think Youre lieing.
And I Don't want to .
All i want is for you to reasure me that this guy is just afriends and nothing more.
If you do then i will bilieve you and i will never bring this up again.
I Just Need to ask.
So .
if Shes A good person She Will understand How Hard it Is to Ask her This And answer you.
depending on the look in her eyes and what shes says you will
i Hope It all Works Out
2006-09-18 09:28:41
answer #2
answered by daniel_michael_juarez 1
Move on, this sounds really shady to me. If you cannot seem to trust her, then you need to find someone whom you can trust. That's kinda weird for your GF to be watching a movie with any other guy without you being there too. It would be different if there was another girl in there as well, but for her to be all alone with another guy, that is shady. You should talk to her about it and get the details and then go from there, but if you feel like you cannot trust her then you need to move on and make her learn that cheating isn't a good idea.
2006-09-18 09:32:46
answer #3
answered by kristy 4
Tell her about your concerns. If she says there is nothing to worry about, drop the subject.
If in fact, she is lying, better off without her. It means she cannot commit or be truthful with you. That's a sign of gross immaturity on her part.
She wants all gain, no loss. YOU will be the one to take the loss. But give her the benefits of a doubt.
In the meantime, work on improving communication. The time has come, you two have trust issues.
2006-09-18 09:21:42
answer #4
answered by brian k 3
No trust issues, no communication barrier. Give her the benefit of doubt right now. But keep in mind that you could be betrayed (not just her). Keep an eye on her and don't let her know. You couldn't trust her roommate either.
2006-09-18 09:28:04
answer #5
answered by Harry thePotter 4
That is too much time. I remember I did that once, had a guy friend and a boyfriend and I talked to him all the time too! I ended up talking to him more than my boyfriend and in the end I cheated on him and my boyfriend found out. You know why I didnt tell my boyfriend...because I didnt want to break his heart. Honestly, you need to break it up before she breaks your heart. Or tell her that it is you or the other guy, she has to choose! If my boyfriend did that I would of never cheated.
2006-09-18 09:22:16
answer #6
answered by TroubleRose 6
You better check up in person to make sure she is not cheating.... let you think you are busy some night and go over there and look for yourself.
Would this friend have any reason to lie? If does seem she is into him if she is calling him that much. Best to find out once and for all.
2006-09-18 09:20:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you're having trust issues with your own girlfriend, then why don't you sit down and talk to her to find out what is going on? It is rather suspicious that she is constantly with some other guy. Don't be so trusting when it comes to things like this. Just talk to her...
2006-09-18 09:24:33
answer #8
answered by scarlet rose 3
I say worry cause that is alot of calls in one day whether it was for a second or so...Does she call YOU that many times a day? Honestly why would her roomate call you and make up some lie? They wouldn't..dig deeper and good luck
2006-09-18 09:22:35
answer #9
answered by kikosgirl83 2
well.............. apparenly she is cheating on you, so i think you should end it there.
NO, SHE WASNT LOOKING FOR HIM @ SCHOOL, I THINK THE ONLY REASON THE CALL WAS ONLY FOR ABOUT 1 TO 5 MINS IS BECAUSE MAYBE SHE'S TELLIN HIM TO MEET HER SOMEWHERE.I hope you take it well. For example..... sometimes in really long relationships like yours one ,of the you will eventually get tired of each other, and i think she got tired of you.So i wasnt trying to b mean when i said that but If you dont want it to go any farther you must end it NOW!!!
2006-09-18 09:28:15
answer #10
answered by momo13 3