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2006-09-18 09:07:22 · 9 answers · asked by hamza k 1 in Pets Cats

9 answers

They reach full maturity about 2 years old and really shouldn't be bred before then. But they start going into heat between 4-6 months and can get pregnant at that time.

It isnt good to breed them in thier first heat cycles as thier bodies are not finished growing yet.

I normally get mine spayed after thier first heat because of the horomones that releases. You end up in most cases with a calmer cat then if you do it prior to thier first heat.

Just remember breeding reduces your animals life expectancy so dont over breed. And it is best to get them fixed instead. If you love having kittens. An alternative to breeding is to check with your local SPCA about fosteriing kittens and cats. You can end up fostering still nursing mothers and the like. Its a better alernative.

Have a great day

2006-09-18 09:15:55 · answer #1 · answered by Kat L 2 · 2 0

If your cat is male, it is unlikely to be willing to mate till its about 15 months of age. If it is a female, it is possible to be ready to mate at six months of age, however it is pretty rare for a kitten that young to come into season. The average time is around ten months at the normal, or longer than 14 months... it is VERY unwise to let a female mate and carry kittens before they are at LEAST 16 months old AFTER they have been vaccinated for diseases as exposure to males often infects the females because of the exchange of body fluids.

Cats can be infected with a fatal disease when mating if you don't protect them. (I also want you to know that unless you can get a home in ADVANCE of their being born... There are millions of dogs and cats, puppies and kittens who die because there arent enough people to give them a home. Please do not be part of the problem!! spay your cat NOW.

2006-09-18 09:18:55 · answer #2 · answered by Birdkeeper 3 · 0 0

1 year

2006-09-18 10:01:46 · answer #3 · answered by Pigs do dance with Elemeno Peas 2 · 0 0

Cats reach maturity at about one year.

They are ready to mate at 5 - 6 months.

My vet told me 6 months. Too bad he didn't tell the cats! :-))

2006-09-18 09:24:03 · answer #4 · answered by zen 7 · 0 0

I heard the first heat is around 6 months old, and they can be spayed before that. I think they can mate on the first heat.

2006-09-18 09:12:36 · answer #5 · answered by hlhorsenaround 4 · 0 0

They can mate at 3 months. She needs to be spayed before then.

2006-09-18 09:10:14 · answer #6 · answered by Big Bear 7 · 0 0

I hope you are experienced in this. Millions of kittens and cats are put to sleep every year as a result of "backyard breeders" who weren't experienced. If you are asking about the age of maturity- then you probably don't have the experience or knowledge. Please do your research.

2006-09-18 09:47:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

get your cat spayed or nuetered depending on the sex at about 6 months. Please don't mate your cat. there are too many unwanted kittens in the world we don't need to add to that population.

2006-09-18 09:13:29 · answer #8 · answered by macleod709 7 · 1 1

its un safe to get pregnat her first heat, after taht it's good to go

2006-09-18 09:19:06 · answer #9 · answered by Letmebeme 2 · 0 0

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