I dont think i can....not that i'm moneyminded.
I brk up with this guy jst last wkend. He was grt at wrk but wen we met outside he was different and not in a grt way.... he used to avoid spending....Like on our very first date he took me to a sidey bar which i didn't like much.... come on!! first dates are to be special.... any ways....the pt is..if the guy doesn't have the cash tdy he mite have it later....depends if u really love him then u wudn't mind
But in my case ....this guy had the cash. he jst didn't wanna spend it.... loser
2006-09-18 08:27:49
answer #1
answered by dd 4
Without a doubt. Just don't make a fool of yourself by spending crazy money on him. Times are not always easy and some professions don't always guarantee steady incomes. My b/f is in sales and makes no paycheck if he doesn't sell. Those times come and go and is just part of the business. Does that make him a bad person? Absolutely not. However, the important thing to consider is if he tries. My b/f is at work every day trying to make a living. If you man is the same way, give him a chance. If he's on the couch watching flicks all day, flee as if in terror. He has no desire to help himself escape the financial position he is in. One thing to consider, the fact that he doesn't have the money may benefit your relationship. You two may have the opportunity to get to know one another without the pretenses of trying to make one another happy with material things and may be more creative in finding things to do together! Enjoy! You may have a diamond in the rough!!
2006-09-18 15:33:09
answer #2
answered by ncmom 3
Heeellll yeah. I would DEFINITELY much rather date a good man that didn't have a lot of money, rather than date a rich guy who was a jerk, or I didn't have anything in common with him, or was uninteresting.
I have dated many men in instances where I made more money than them. I think a good man is much more important, and money is the very last thing I would ever look for in a man. The most important thing to me is that the man is honest, doesn't lie to me, and is genuine and caring. If a man has these qualities, he definitely has an in with me.
2006-09-18 15:26:56
answer #3
answered by jennnnn 4
Its not got to do with money, its love. You could be with a guy with lots and lots of money but if theres no love you would leave. Look at how many rich people have a good marriage or relationship, they dont 90 pecent of them leave because theres no love. You need to look past the money and see what truly is there. And anyone is cablable of working and making some money as long as its enough to get by. And if not both of yous would have to find a different job.
2006-09-18 15:26:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes ,but he needs to be making efforts to get some cash of his because i don't believe in taking of a grown man.
2006-09-18 15:25:58
answer #5
answered by may_may_bj 1
I probably would, but he would have to be a good man. And a good man would tyr to sweep you off your feet every once in a while, even if he didn't have the cash.
2006-09-18 15:25:05
answer #6
answered by Candilaria 2
money isn't everything however it is something that can make love go down hill if you don't agree how to spend and save it. If this good man is responsible has his stuff together then yes definitely.
2006-09-18 15:31:34
answer #7
answered by nm 3
If you like someone then you like someone. I dated a man with no money and we are now married. Although not having money is tough sometimes, we love each other.
2006-09-18 15:26:25
answer #8
answered by mom_of_davian 2
Love isn't about money! If he is a great guy go for it! If he's just a bum wanting to suck your bank account dry kick him to the curb.
2006-09-18 15:25:06
answer #9
answered by Jani S 2
yes, cuz there is lots of things to do that don't require money. honestly
2006-09-18 15:25:08
answer #10
answered by justmenothinelse 5