Not so perfect a place but a grocery store might work. Chances are if a man is food shopping, he can cook, which I find is a great help and a plus in my book! Let love find you, don't over do yourself looking.......
2006-09-18 06:39:54
answer #1
answered by ? 6
Don't go looking for love, let love find you. When the time is right you will find the one that you will be with for the rest of your life, there is no one place that someone could say that you would find love there. You can find someone anywhere, just don't be in a rush and make a mistake thinking that the first person you find will be your love. Take it slowly and you will find the right person for you.
2006-09-18 13:39:38
answer #2
answered by TheFireWithin 3
You can find love anywhere where you want almost but the most common places are: at work (like me), school, library, and malls
2006-09-18 13:40:17
answer #3
answered by busybeee 2
I am not really sure you can just go out and find love. Many people try only to fail at their attempts. You can't force something such as that, but in my opinion church is a great place to start. If you are patient enough, love will find you.
2006-09-18 13:38:35
answer #4
answered by heaven o 4
it's in so many differnet places for so many different people, it truely couldn't be defined as in "a" specific location. My wife and I met through a mutual friend who talked to her on IRC for a few years. It just happens, you can't tell where or when.
2006-09-18 13:41:58
answer #5
answered by Migity696 3
Dont run behind ur love ...................
ur love willllll find u even u r in grave,library,club,bar or somewhere else...............
becoz if u villll find ur love n lose it then u r hurted badly
but if ur love willlll find u n u r loved by him/her more than ur expectations then allll the things of this world willlll b nothing before u............................
2006-09-18 13:45:49
answer #6
answered by saad_i_isl 1
I'd stick with 'grave' if I were you. Really, what better place to meet interesting people and find love.
2006-09-18 13:40:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
When you start looking for love you won't find it, love will find you when it wants to. honestly. If u start looking you will just go through bf after bf when u stop looking u will find love x
2006-09-18 13:38:49
answer #8
answered by Sweetcheeks16 1
Somewhere you least expect it...definitely not a grave. That's called un-requited love.
2006-09-18 13:40:28
answer #9
answered by Taylor29 7
There is no perfect place. Though I can say a bar, and strip club are out.
2006-09-18 13:37:47
answer #10
answered by poisonivy4913 5