Perhaps your spelling, improper capitalization, and grammar. Just like in your question above.
2006-09-18 06:25:23
answer #1
answered by Willow S 2
Stupid question to report.
Oh, and I have eaten catfood. When I was younger, we had a cat named Maxwell. He ate dry 9 Lives food, back when the box was blue or green and had Sylvester on the front. I used to put some in his bowl, and some in my mouth, then some in his bowl, and some in my mouth. I enjoyed it.
I also used to eat the flake fish food. Just for the taste.
2006-09-18 17:21:15
answer #2
answered by Steph Gas 3
Because some people are really petty, and will report you for just about anything.
Don't yahoo actually look at the individual questions (or answers) being reported and see if they actually deserved it?
I guess not.
As for the cat food thing, I have tried cat biscuits (I was quite a bit younger, they had a rather nasty grainy texture and tasted rather bland) but never the wet stuff. That smells horrid and looks horrid.
2006-09-18 13:26:34
answer #3
answered by HP 5
I agree with two of the posts above, that state that Yahoo probably don't even bother to check out the questions that have been reported.
Cat food is actually made out of horse meat and that's what it will tastes like. As for salmon flavour, rabbit flavour etc, they all probably taste the same, with perhaps the tiniest amount of salmon or rabbit. No one is going to actually taste the stuff to find out.
2006-09-18 13:43:19
answer #4
answered by Strawberry_Lynn 5
I don't know. I do not find this question rude, offensive, or profane in anyway. I myself have not ever tasted catfood, but I do have a new dog I adopted from an Animal Shelter, he wouldn't eat the new food I bought for him, so I ate a piece in front of him (not good at all) and he started to eat it himself. So.............
2006-09-18 13:29:18
answer #5
answered by ? 6
I'm not sure and it wasn't me, but I might have the answer for you. Once while going for the bad question or answer button I accidently hit the abuse one. I forget the exact situation, but at the time I figured Yahoo would look into it and nothing would happen 'cause they'd see it wasn't abusive just inappropriate or silly and I thought they might figure it was an accident...Reading this question of yours, I'm now thinking the abuse report must be automated, but then again, I could be wrong.
2006-09-18 13:31:45
answer #6
answered by tyreanpurple 4
Because far too many people ask insulting questions just to upset people. Sorry you were mistaken for one of them.. Our old neighbor had alzheimers and fed all the neighborhood children dry cat food. My friend still insists it tastes fine! Sadly he died before I moved in, he was nice evn if strange. And cat food is NOT made of horse meat. Most of the ingredients start with Corn.
2006-09-18 13:50:30
answer #7
answered by emily 5
Just the other night I asked my husband if he thought the kittin food was too hot, so he stuck his finger in it and said no. Then he licked his finger off not thinking! (Ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth!) He said it was as bad as my cooking. The next night, he got home and sat down, I served him cat food and he wanted to kill me for it.
BTW, some people are just rude, ignore them
2006-09-18 16:26:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
maybe someone thought it was "code" for something else? Or maybe people are just dumb. (BTW, I've never tasted catfood, but did try dogfood as a child, was NOT very tasty!)
2006-09-18 13:23:57
answer #9
answered by naughtykitty94 3
because some one reported it as abuse... probably because someone had and they were all offeneded by such a simple, question....
no i've never eaten catfood by the way, but i've never been put in teh situation where i may have to either... Thank God
2006-09-18 13:23:29
answer #10
answered by Tyana 3
People on here are way too sensitive. Also, I think when people report you you just get a generic email about a violation. Yahoo probably doesn't even look at it.
2006-09-18 13:24:26
answer #11
answered by DiRTy D 5