I think it's possible, but unrealistic to expect it to happen to everyone.
2006-09-18 05:55:25
answer #1
answered by mollyneville 5
For some its all about adjusting to the situations you deal with. I live by this and only this. There is no such thing as happily ever after. There is only happy for the moment.
It means this if you go in thinking that your love is perfect it will fail cause you have to work for perfection in all things it is not just handed to you cause you both have mutual feelings. You live for the moment in everything you do and only you and whoever interacts with you determines hiow long that moment may last it may be a moment of 6 days or it could be a moment of 6 weeks or 6 years.
That all depends on you though doesn't it, how long do you want your happy moments to last, and how hard are you willing to work to achieve that?
2006-09-18 13:01:07
answer #2
answered by Shadow 2
'all good things come to an end in this non-permanent world".well, there is nothing like a perfect love.once u find ur love u got to keep on working to keep it alive.its more of how u cope up when love puts u to a test.easy and happy times wont be there forever and if u can deal with the tough times,if u can be forgiving and accept weaknesses u may have it for a life time.in today's 'indivisualistic' and 'self dependent' world it become difficult coz its much easier to step out of a relationship than making it work.'self dependence' is a myth.'inter dependence was much better.
2006-09-18 13:13:12
answer #3
answered by S S 2
“in love” verses “pure love”
Pure: unfiltered, unconditional, comes with acceptance, caring, and non-judgmental. It comes to you from the giver without strings. Never wanting or needing anything in return. It is not a love that is craved, or lusted for. It is gentle, soft, always there. When this love exist between two people, they can be apart for days, months, or even years and be as connected as they had never been apart.
It’s warm, calm, happy, joyful, with feelings of inner peace.
“in love” : A temporary state of love. Can last up to 1 ½ years, but usually shorter. It is based on thirst of love, a constant need to be satisfied, but never is. Someone “in love” can never get enough and wants to be near the one they are in love with 24/7. It is a clouded state of mind.
As they say, “love is blind” the person “in love” will make decisions to please the one they are in love with even if it hurts them. At the time they do not even realize they are doing so. Only after the “in love” period is gone do they see what they have done. They do this due to the fear of losing the person and fearing losing the feelings they get while being with this person.
2006-09-18 12:55:44
answer #4
answered by Life Coach 4
Yes...I think you can fall in Love with one person and stay with that person forever..."We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."..."I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. I guess maybe I've even loved you before I saw you." "Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy."
2006-09-18 13:26:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course. You don't think people who stay married for 50 and 60 years do it cause they didn't have other options. Love can last forever if given the chance.
2006-09-18 12:57:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is possible to fall in love with one person......but stay in love with one person FOREVER is a long, long time.
Lots of people married for a long time - are just used to each other...not madly in love anymore!
When the vows were first written that said "til death do us part" people only lived to 35-40 yrs. old - so it wasn't too hard to stay together.....but now people are living to 90 yrs. old.
2006-09-18 12:56:21
answer #7
answered by brenny_boo 3
Yes, it is possible if you are lucky enough to find a compatible partner in every aspect. That includes physical, emotional, and intellectual quality, plus maturity pace, and enormous admiration for each other.
2006-09-18 14:12:32
answer #8
answered by lg traveler 2
yes and it will last forever it can be when you are 12 or 20
2006-09-18 12:55:04
answer #9
answered by dely 2
We are going on 38 years. My grandparents did for 77
2006-09-18 12:54:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
yes and love in the long run does not have to do with sex so when they are older then 70 they can be happy as can be groing older with each other and knowing him deeply same with your mom you will always love her
2006-09-18 12:57:21
answer #11
answered by lztexan 3