I went through the same thing just not to long ago not only were my animals miserable but I was being eaten ALIVE, heres what you do........Go to The Home Depot and buy a six pack of Black Flagg Foggers, turn off the gas in your home, and place one can in each room.... even the kitchen...leave everything just as is it except exposed food of coarse. Set the foggers off and take all your pets at the same time and get them dipped and groomed. When you get back home ( you have to stay gone for like three hours) start washing all the bedding and vacuum. Them in TWO weeks do it all over again, the eggs will have hatched and baby fleas will be very hungry! So again take the animals and fog again, THEN start the pets on the medication. Take it from me life can be so Sukey with fleas so good luck to you and your animals!!!
2006-09-18 05:42:08
answer #1
answered by skhoury28nails 3
Yes! A good groomer will give a flea bath/dip and guide you in the right direction for flea control. I'm a groomer and I work in an animal hospital. If one of my dogs/cats comes in with fleas, they immediately get a flea bath, a Capstar pill(kills fleas in 10 minutes) and they get sent home with frontline. The owner gets a phone call so that they can treat the house before tha animal comes home. Some groomers, however, don't have a vet on hand, so they aren't allowed to give the meds, but they should suggest a trip to the vet for the frontline. Price wise if it's a shorthaired cat (in Ohio) look towards $35(give or take) includes bath, dip, nail trim and clean the ears.
2006-09-18 12:24:06
answer #2
answered by pat k 3
Yes a groomer will treat for fleas. In fact, if your pet is found to have fleas while at the groomers they will treat it whether you ask for it or not, because they can't have flea-infested animals hanging around their shop. Most will charge $5-10 extra. This covers not only the cost of treating your animal, but the cost of spraying the shop as well. The groomer appreciates it if you mention in advance that your pet has fleas, so they can take proper precautions.
While your pets are at the groomer's, bomb the house. Make sure the product you're using kills the eggs and larvae as well as the adults.
As noted above, many groomers will not do cats. Also, if your pets are matted they may need to be clipped or brushed out, as matted pets cannot be properly bathed. The overall cost will depend on what type of dog/cats you have and their condition.
Afterwards treat them with anti-flea drops for protection.
2006-09-18 07:18:02
answer #3
answered by DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs 7
Yes, a groomer can take care of the fleas. They will do a better job than you can at home. Fleas will crawl into the ears and around the eyes and a*us to save themselves, groomers know how to take care of this. It also makes a convenient time to have the house done. Also, have a professional company come in to do the fumigation. If the fleas come back, the pest control company will have to come back. Most companies guarantee their work. There are organic companies that kill by dehydrating the fleas instead of poisoning them (and you). Figure the grooming bill, including the extra charge of the flea control product, will be around 145-200 dollars, give or take. Make sure they trim the nails and clean the ears. Sometimes, groomers can get busy and forget the little things.
2006-09-18 05:39:44
answer #4
answered by askpre 1
Ok, first you need to treat the problem: the flea infestation located in your yard. More than likely your dog is bringing in fleas when he goes outside to do his business. Take all 4 animals to a groomer/vet that does flea dips. These dips are much better than most over the counter brands. Also, get all of these pets on a flea/tick medication such as Frontline. If you get them dipped at your vet, you can purchase this there as well.
Go to your local lawn/garden store (Home Depot, Lowes, etc) and tell them your grass type and they will direct you to the most apropriate flea killing product. While you treat the yard, bomb the house using the most powerful product you can. More than likely, you will need to keep the animals out of the house/off the yard for several hours or even a whole day. Make arrangements for them to board at the vet or another boarding facility and make sure your family is out of the house too.
2006-09-18 05:32:02
answer #5
answered by Sarah H 3
It depends on the groomer. Some will dip and some will not. Also, many groomers won't do cats because if the risk of getting hurt. Make some phone calls.
Dips are only temporary and don't take the place of monthly flea control. Have you put insecticide in the yard? everywhere the pets go has to be treated, even the outside of the house.
2006-09-18 05:41:19
answer #6
answered by groomingdiva_pgh 5
Most groomers will de-flea for you..However, for the price of grooming, you can apply REVOLUTION to all of your pets and be rid of the darn fleas! It is a miracle worker...Call around to the area vets and see who is carrying it in your area, as it is fairly new..
It not only protects against flea and ticks, but also heartworm, most internal worms, and mange mites, ear mites, etc...Wonderful stuff!
If your pets have fleas, they also have tape worms..so Revolution would be a big savings!
Groomers seldom charge extra, but if they do it is $5-$10 extra..
2006-09-18 05:38:51
answer #7
answered by Chetco 7
"Will a groomer take care of fleas? "
If asked to, yes. Don't be surprised when they charge for it tho', the products do cost money.
Unless you can get all the flees out of the dogs environment tho, they will come right back, unless you use a product like Frontline
2006-09-18 05:30:48
answer #8
answered by tom l 6
yes the flea dips work great and they arent too much, just call and get rates in your local area there..if you start there and get your house cleaned up just stay on them with Frontline or some other med for fleas and you should be fine.
2006-09-18 05:30:54
answer #9
answered by blondemom133 3
Groomers do dip for fleas.
Also, it's good you bomb, but also make sure that you wash EVERYTHING that the animals come in contact with (ex: sheets).
Also, get frontline for the animals. It works.
2006-09-18 05:29:15
answer #10
answered by Laura 4