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9 answers

First of all pay attention in class, and show your teacher respect, these two key things will not only help you get better grades, but will also get you into the good graces of your teacher. You should also devote time after school to homework, and reviewing what you did in class, studies show that students who review their notes nightly get better grades. Finally, ask for extra help! If you are having a hard time with a subject ask a teacher or a peer for help, they'll sit with you and help you figure things out that you can't seem to grasp on you own. If you follow these instructions you'll be well on your way to being a better and more successful student! Good Luck!

2006-09-18 04:16:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

to be the good student u should not only score good marks but also show other etiquettes. also remember marks are not given by teacher they r snatched frm teachers. u should be loyal 2 ur friends and polite 2 ur classmates. dont hang with bad company. except ur homework u should do some extra. me too a school girl and i hav applied these advices. these will never go in vain.

all the best.

2006-09-18 11:33:59 · answer #2 · answered by suchetana 2 · 0 0

u don't actually need tips on how to be the one. what u need is grasping opportunities of course in a fair way and finishing every work with zeal and enthusiasm. being honourable well......... that's something u'll have to work really hard for, as its a thing which comes by itself..

with love,

2006-09-18 11:27:57 · answer #3 · answered by bertha_1010 1 · 0 0

Quit hanging out with people who listen to rap music and study something other than the opposite sex. Try studying the classes you are taking.

2006-09-18 11:14:27 · answer #4 · answered by namsaev 6 · 0 0

Do all your homework assignments, study hard, pass all your tests with high marks.

2006-09-18 11:13:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Study well and score good marks.

2006-09-18 13:05:52 · answer #6 · answered by anks 3 · 0 0

You have not mentioned your age?
You have not mentioned about the education and school?
is it a co-education institution?

2006-09-18 13:54:13 · answer #7 · answered by ar.samy 6 · 0 0

Do the teacher? lol, oh and maybe the work.

2006-09-18 11:15:32 · answer #8 · answered by Hasslick 2 · 0 0

Sample this for an answer.

Set and do these goals…


I will be organize my papers for and from class so I can find them.

I will get a notebook and use dividers to separate each class.

I will do my homework in the part of my binder that is for that subject.

I will put all handouts in the part of my binder that is for that subject.

I will keep my papers unwrinkled and unsoiled.

Calendaring Assignments

I will get a calendar with squares big enough so I can write my assignments in.

Your school or neighborhood store will have these.

I will put this calendar in my notebook so I will always have it with me in every class.

I will make sure I have this calendar with me to do my homework each night!

I will write on my calendar all of my assignments and when they are do.

I will write every assignment on my calendar immediately so I don’t forget.

I will circle in highlight marker, all tests and big projects I need to be ready for.

I will use my assignment calendar to decide what books I will need to take home each night.

Know Your Resources

I will get the phone number of at least three good students in each class so if I have a question at home, that my parents cannot answer, I can call one of these students and get the correct information I need to do my homework right or to study for the test.

I will say to these students: “ I noticed that you are really good at this subject. I was wondering if I could have your phone number in case I have a question?” Remember to say thank you.

I will put these names and numbers on the section divider for the class so I can have them available when I need them.

Paying Attention

I will listen in class.

I will not doodle on my pages, because that means that I am not fully listening to what is being said and/or I am not making good use of my time to get school work done.

I will try to sit in one of the front seats so I don’t talk to my friends during class and the people in the back who are talking will not keep me from hearing the lecture.

I will make myself concentrate on what my teacher is saying even though I find it boring.

I will take good notes on the lectures.

I will jot down the main ideas and a few words to help me remember what they are even, if I don’t know how to spell the words. I will write them how they sound to me.

Later when I read them, I will find out how to spell the words I didn’t know when I am reading my book or I can use a dictionary to look it up at home.

Knowing What I Need to Take Home to do Homework

Since I need to hurry to the bus, I will keep a note in my pocket that I will list the books I need for the night as I put the daily assignment in my calendar.

I will also note when I need to bring my books for to study for an upcoming test.

The book in which I am having a test should be brought home every night for a week before the test so I can study it.

When I get to my locker, just before going to the bus, I will pull out my list with books and grab the books I will need to get my homework for the night or to study for upcoming tests.

If I loose the note I will bring home all my books just to be sure.


I will do all my homework each night.

I will make good use of my time so I can get all my homework done.

I will schedule the time when I should get my homework done each night.

I will keep to my schedule.

I will do my homework before I watch TV, play games, or be with friends.

If I am having trouble I will immediately ask for help from my teacher, my parents, or good students.

I will read the assigned pages in the book each night.

I will check my calendar to make sure I have gotten the right pages to read.

My homework is not finished until this is done.

If I cannot underline the important parts in my book, I will make notes on paper on the important things I need to know for my up coming tests.

I will make sure that I use the correct spelling used in the book so I can learn how to spell the things I will have to write on my tests and homework.

I will review the notes I take from class each night so that I can remember them for up coming tests.

I will do this each night after I have finished my homework.

Outline for My Study Time

Do all my daily homework.

Read today’s class notes. Correct spelling.

Study for all upcoming test or quizzes.

Work on long term assignments and/or papers.

Getting Ready for Tests or Quizzes

One week before major tests I will study my book, class notes, and homework to be covered on the test so I will be ready for my test.

If I do not understand something to be covered for the test I will get help from the teacher, parents, and other good students.

I may decided to ask a good student/friend who will also be taking the same test to come over to study with me and review all the items that will be covered.

I can ask a parent to help quiz me on the material to see if I really know it.

I will do my best to be ready to take my quizzes, and tests.

Will study one week in advance of every test or quiz.

I will understand and do all my homework.

I will take good notes and review them every night.

Class Projects and Papers

When I have big projects or papers to do, I will not wait until the last minute to do them.

The first day I get the assignment I will write the due date on my calendar.

Then I will write myself due dates to get the things done that I have to do to get the assignment done. I will assign these dates as soon as possible so I can get the big project or paper done well in advance of the teacher’s due date. This is so if something comes up like I get sick I can still have my assignment done.

Doing My Best

I will do my best on all assignments, reading, and homework.

I will not just scribble garbage to fill up the spaces on my homework. Instead I will do my best to find the correct answer. If I can’t find it or figure it out I will ask my teacher, parents, or good students in my class for help to do so.

I will not hand in garbage.

I will hand in every assignment on time!

Asking for Support

I will ask the Lord to help me to do these things to become a good student.

Each morning I will ask God for His help to do better that day.

I will talk about how well I did or didn’t do today, with God, in my nightly prayers.

In those prayers, with God, I will make a plan to overcome what when wrong.

I will ask my family and friends to help me choose the right

Other Information

I will picture myself feeling and acting as if I have already reached my goals. The more vivid the picture, the better chance I will have of reaching my goals.

I will not quit because things aren't working out. Some goals may need some changes to make them work better. I will review the effectiveness of each step with parents and God and make changes where needed.

When: I will start immediately!

2006-09-18 12:12:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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