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I'm asking a girl out today by putting this note in her locker nd taping a rose to the door:
Hi Kristene,
Hope that you don’t have plans Friday, because I was hoping that you would want to meet me at the dance in the front of the building. It has taken me a long time to start talking to you since P.E last year (I was the Basketball team caption, 3rd trimester, and, now have English and History with you). I really hope you like me as much as I like you, because I have always liked you a lot. I would love to meet up with you and dance a little. (It’s embarrassing for be to dance to up tempo songs because I’m such a bad dancer.)

Note to answerers only... she won't see this: it's true, I'm a bad dancer, but I'm going to try to use that to my advantage and get only slow songs.

2006-09-18 02:24:35 · 16 answers · asked by steve 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

Wish i was kristen, what an adorable idea. Do this with confidence while holding your ego back. The note sounds genuine and sincere. I hope she accepts.

2006-09-18 02:28:17 · answer #1 · answered by RACHAEL R 2 · 1 1

Personally I don't think that it will work mate. As us chicks prefer a guy to come up to us and ask us out on a date. So take a deep breath and go ask her face to face as she will respect you more. If you going to leave a note, she might think that it is cute and everything but she would want to see on your face if you really mean what you say and that you are not going to stand her up. Find the courage deep within you and be brave and ask her with a rose in your hand to accompany you to the dance. The worst thing that could happen is to have your ego bruised. Which can be fixed anyway. So be brave and ask her. Best of luck amigo and be sure to check out my 360 if you should need any advice in the future.

2006-09-18 02:32:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Has she given any indication she is interested? If not your taking a big risk. But hell go for it Steve or you'll never know. You may not dance as bad as you think, but IT is smart to stick with the slow dances..GOOD LUCK I really like the rose touch, hope it works..

2006-09-18 02:31:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't stress so much over it. If the girl likes you she will understand about the dancing thing. I really think that is so sweet with the letter and all. More guys should consider using a different approach instead of the , sup shortie......can i holla at ya later!!!! I have heard that one soooo many times!!!!!
Good luck and be yourself!!!

2006-09-18 02:33:20 · answer #4 · answered by lilQT 1 · 0 0

I think that you are putting to much on your note. Tell her that you want her to be your date at the dance. Or you can ask her to a movie some other night.

2006-09-18 02:28:02 · answer #5 · answered by Crazychick 3 · 0 0

dude, that is tmi! keep it short and light. instead of telling her you are a bad dancer, just tell her you have 2 left feet which are better at slow dancing. remember, if she likes you and the chemistry is there, there is no need to ramble on and on. the mutuality is what makes the magic.

2006-09-18 02:30:48 · answer #6 · answered by evonne i 4 · 0 0

Why dont you go and ask her yourself instead of leaving a note? How old are you. I am sure if she likes you it would not be for dancing skills but for personality, so you dont need to stress on dancing... grow up show her your natural self dont put on another person to try an impress her it may back fire on you.

2006-09-18 02:29:02 · answer #7 · answered by Joyann R 3 · 0 1

I personally think your putting too much of yourself out there, makes you seem desperate. My advice tone it down a little. Still show ur interested jst nt desperate. Other than tht gd plan

2006-09-18 02:32:08 · answer #8 · answered by skitz122 2 · 0 0

oh,it is so sweet!
you are such a nice guy!
but why don't you ask her in person?face to face?
and use the note to meet her for asking her!


2006-09-18 02:35:29 · answer #9 · answered by xadakia 2 · 0 0

Good luck, hope it works out.

2006-09-18 03:38:10 · answer #10 · answered by Botsgurl 2 · 0 0

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