Hi Dave...one study determined that purring involves activation of nerves within the voice box. These nerve signals cause vibration of the vocal cords while the diaphragm serves as a pump, pushing air in and out of the vibrating cords, thus creating a musical hum. Some veterinarians believes that purring is initiated from within the central nervous system and is a voluntary act. In other words, cats purr only when they want to.
The other theory is that the sound comes more from vibrating blood vessels than in the voicebox itself. The larger the vocal chords the softer the purr whereas the smaller the louder.
Also cats purr to show they are content, happy and some will even purr when they are in extreme pain or when dying.
For more about purring: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=1495&S=2&SourceID=18
2006-09-17 18:08:26
answer #1
answered by ♪ Seattle ♫ 7
What Causes Cats To Purr
2016-11-10 00:38:25
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Cat Purring Loudly
2016-12-14 17:25:00
answer #3
answered by ? 4
This Site Might Help You.
Why do cats purr loudly?
Why do cats purr loud? I know it's because they're happy but what causes it?
2015-08-06 18:59:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In most cases purring means that your cat is happy and content. Although there has been cases where the purr was found in ill cats also. Id have to say a purring cat is a happy cat.
2006-09-17 17:47:37
answer #5
answered by needsum 2
Purring is just a vibration of the vocal cords in cats. Some are just louder than others, just like some people can speak or yell louder than others. Purring doesn't always mean they're happy. They also purr when they are nervous or scared.
2006-09-17 17:33:33
answer #6
answered by vetgirl77 2
I read in a book one time that cats purr when there happy or even when they want your attention. Its a mysterie almost how they purr though. thats a good question.
2006-09-17 17:48:08
answer #7
answered by angela w 2
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/ax0yG
Male cats!! I have two male cats and they act just like that too!! The digging (Tigger likes to do that always in the middle of the night to just say hello) and purring and my other kitty Buddy likes to lick my hair ( I can't stand it) It's just their way of saying he loves you and your great and Thanks! The peeing thing could either be a territory thing if there's other males ( I had this issue too when Buddy was younger...he grew out of it) or he could have a bladder infection. Check with your vet and see what they think...he could be trying to tell you something. Good luck!!
2016-04-09 03:46:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
this article says that the volume of a cat's purr can vary among cats - so maybe yours purrs louder than others.
we're not really sure why/how purring occurs, but it is known that the noise is the sound of the vocal cords in the voicebox vibrating.
2006-09-17 17:38:32
answer #9
answered by ucd_grad_2005 4
My cat never purred loud. You could only tell she was purring if you were touching her chest or back.
I guess she was shy.
2006-09-17 17:41:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous