yea at the time, it seems like the hurt will never go away, but it eventually does...time does heal.
but some people don't realize this and do what's called stalking...
2006-09-17 17:33:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am glad you have the courage to make that hard decision, some people they just keep it hanging and just don't know what to do and they become slaves.
Love like everything in life is a learning process, Love is no exception to the rule. Love is science, Love is hope, love is to live...
Love in your case is an experience and make it a good one.
Some people I know never experience love.
Be grateful...
If you are able to make a decison I don't see any problems in your future reltionships. I admire your decision and dislike people who hang on to old relationships and at the same time dating someone else and are confuse on what to do, not saying it's their fault but where are the moral values?
I think if you want to be in love again, you need to have strong principles because love is very powerful.
Without it you are totally lost in the ocean, principe are your compass in the deep.
If human love is so great, if human love brings totally happiness, if human love is unconditional, why are their still so many sufferings? Why so many devorces? So many suscides?
First love last forever they said? Let me tell you my friend, this is a lie and a bondage if you believe it.
I had a first love before, you only feel that way because it's your first time, like the baby with it's first taste of honey.
You will have a new love, and this time it will be better because you already know what you are after. It will not be fair for her if you still dwelled on your past love.
Stay within these guidelines:
1- Forget the past move on.
2- Don't try to find shadows of your old g/f in "her."
3- First love is just psycologal, strong first impression doesn't mean you really love her.
4- When you find the love of your life , you will know what I mean, and you will totally forget about the first love.
2006-09-18 01:14:21
answer #2
answered by pianoman 2
Yes. My first love and I were together for 3 1/2 years!! When we finally split ways, it was definatly hard, but needed to be done. You are young and you dont really know who you are yet. You will constantly be changing!! So being with someone else at that age is going to be hard no matter what. Think about how many people are out there!!! You are bound to find that special someone, at some point. But you should also concentrate on just living life. You only get one chance to do that. And its true when people say, " you are only young once". So although you might be upset right now, that is perfectly normal. I'll tell you, we went back and forth, off and on......just dragging out what we both knew wasnt going to work. At least you are mature enough to realize that it wasnt going to work! Time heals everything my friend. Good luck, and I wish you the best!!
2006-09-18 00:37:40
answer #3
answered by melaniemarie 1
Advice sure, but stories? No. I believe too that i am currently experiencing my so called "First Love." First off I'd advise you to not rush her into getting back with you after a very short amount of time. She will come to you when she is ready. Some time away from each other will be good for you. "If you let her go and she comes back then your a perfect match, but if you lose her, it was never meant to be." You two just need some space and time and hopefully that will show you why you guys loved each other in the first place. Good luck.
2006-09-18 00:36:31
answer #4
answered by Liliac 4
It hurt like hell. Hurt, hurt and hurt.
Only years later did I realize that it was actually my fault that the relationship ended - I simply had been emotionally cold and so not ready for a relationship. Once I had realized this, I got over him.
I think this is how it is with relationships.. You need some distance to see what actually happened, and once you come to terms with it, you can move past it. So for you to already have a definite reason for you break-up is very good. You know it was a choice that had to be made and you will be able to cherish the relationship in your memories since you broke up as friends (and not enemies.)
Take care.
2006-09-18 00:36:31
answer #5
answered by eufrosyne 2
well let me just say first off...
they never really go away.
no matter what happened...
and honestly in some ways that really sucks.
im 18, and i had my first love at 14.
know ive been told by many ppl, that at that age your to young to know waht love is.
well i think thats bullshit!
but i was with him for 14 months.
that prolly doesnt seem like along time but when ur 14 and all your other relationships had been anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks 14 months seems like a lifetime.
anywhoo i ended up breaking his heart, as well as my own.
i cheated on him during the 14th month.
which was a few days b4 valentines day.
and i had so much guilt that i broke it off with him.
and then started dateing this other guy.
well after a few days i realized hat i had done and somehow me and my first love started doing stuff behind the guy i was dating's back.
so i was like palying both of em in a way i guess.
and then when this new guy choose drugs over me and cheated on me i tryed going back to my the guy i thought was my soulmate.
he said he wanted the same but we needed to take it slow and give it time.
well apparently i wasnt patient enough because i ende up hooking up with a friend of his and he found out and never talked to me agian.
i tryed calling him afew months later and he told me to never call hi again, and hung up on me.
so i really left a scar on him.
and i wlil forever fell bad.
i eventually moved on but it took uo till about a yr ago.
ryt b4 i meet the guy im with now.
who it think is the one.
but i will always want and wish the best for this first love of mine.
cuz i care.
so patient is wahts gonna be the main factor here.
but i hope all works out. and you both find happiness.
there was however many other realtionshiops i was in after that where i thought i was over him. but really it made me realize what i really had and lost.
and how badly i screwed up.
so you might have that feeling for a while.
and know onw told me that was a normal feeling, so i had ll these weird emotions for ever it seemed.
so im here to tell you.
that its ok.
its part of the healing process,.
good luck!
2006-09-18 00:47:11
answer #6
answered by stripping0down0 1
My dear, it's good that you can bear to break up when you realise that you two are too different. Many of us just grin and try to bear the differences but ultimately it doesn't last and gives us more pain instead.
What you did is good and right. True, there's only one "first love" and the memory of him will last you your whole life. But take heart, the road is long and I'm sure you will find other loves out there too.
Sometimes, you just have to let go in order to find better or more suitable ones out there.
2006-09-18 00:33:05
answer #7
answered by syrope 2
You know someone once told me "you will never forget your first love." You know what they were exactly right. My first love and I have not been together for about five years. I look back and think of all the things I learned from that relationship. It helpt me learn what I wanted and didn't want in my relationships to follow after. DO not worry there is somone else out there for you. I am no happily married and will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary in December. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future relationships!
2006-09-18 00:35:13
answer #8
answered by PinkHighHeels 4
my first love was a complete sham, i cried about it for atleast 8 years, its so unfair, that i had to feel that way, when in fact he did not really feel the same way
i wrote thousands of poems for him, made him so important in my life, just to see my love get shattered, my first love was not worth it, i am so sorry i ever fell in love, it destroyed me
or maybe it was not even love, but what ive learned is that you can think about someone and love someone that long, and never really be loved or cared about by that person
this whole topic on love is so insane painful and crazy
first love is the deepest
first cut is the deepest
i hope ill recover
maybe i will
of course i will
2006-09-18 00:37:45
answer #9
answered by haringmarumo 6
im 35 years old and still think about my first love at least 1 a week and i still see him out ever now and then and its like my heart still stops but you have your first love and your first true love and i have been with my first true love for 10 years and we have a little girl together we r not married but when i see him (every day) not only does my heart stop but i get butterflies and i feel my face turn red and my blood presure rise so she may have been your first love but not your first true love good luck and stick to the memories
2006-09-18 00:56:40
answer #10
answered by Jeannie T 3
Better to realize that now. I married mine, and after 11 years I realized that I loved him but that we were not meant to be. I feel like I could have saved myself so much heartache if I had listened to my heart to begin with. The one good thing that came out of it was my 2 kids.
2006-09-18 00:33:05
answer #11
answered by Tammy G 4