Languages spoken in Mexico, data from 2000. First, the name of the language, then its endonim and then the number of speakers.
Spanish, Nahuatl [nawatlahtolli] (1,659,029), Mayan [maya t'an] (892,723), Mixtec [tu'un sávi] (510,801), Zapotec [binizaa] (505,992), Tzotzil maya [K'op o winik atel] (336,448), Otomí [hñä hñü](327,319), Totonac [tachihuiin] (271,847), Mazatec [ha shuta enima] (246,198), Chol [winik] (189,599), Husatec [téenek] (173,233), chinantec [tsa jujmí] (152,711), Mazahua [jñatio] (151,897), Purépecha or Tarasco [p'urhépechas] (136,388), Mixe [ayüük] (135,316), Tlapanec [me'phaa] (119,497), Tarahumara [rarámuri] (87,721), Mayo [yoreme] (60,093), Amuzgo [tzañcue] (48,843), Chatino [cha'cña] (47,762), Tojolabal [tojolwinik otik] (44,531), Popoluca [tuncápxe] (44,237), Chontal from Tabasco [yokot t'an] (43,850), Huichol [wixárika] (36,856), Mayo [yoreme] (34,770), Mepehuán [o'odham] (30,339), Trique [tinujéi] (24,491), Cora [naáyarite] (19,512), Popoloca (18,926), Huave [ikoods] (16,135), Cuicatec [nduudu yu] (15,078), Yaqui [yoreme] (15,053), Q'anjob'al [kanjobal] (10,853), Tepehua [huamasipini] (10,625), Pame [xigüe] (9,768), Mam [qyool] (8,739), Chontal from Oaxaca [slijuala sihanuk] (5,534), Chuj (2,143), Tacuate (2,067), Chichimeca Jonaz [uza] (1,987), Guarijío [makurawe] (1,905), Chocho [runixa ngiigua] (1,078), Pima [o'odham] (836), K'ekchí [k'ekchí] (835), Lacandon [hach t'an] (731), Jacaltec [abxubal] (584), Ocuiltec [tlahuica] (522), Seri [concaac] (518), Ixcatec (406), K'iche' (286), Kakchiquel (230), Paipai [akwa'ala] (221), Cucapá [es péi] (206), Mototzintlec [qatok] (186), Kumiai [ti'pai] (185), Papago [tohono o'odam] (153), Kikapú [kikapooa] (144), Ixil (108), Cochimí [laymón, mti'pá] (96), Kiliwa [ko'lew] (55), Aguacatec (27), and Opata, Soltec, Papabucán and others (337).
These are NOT dialects. They are languages by their own. Gosh! Saying that they are dialects is like saying that Navajo is a dialect of English!
For those who mentioned Portuguese... *sigh* would it help if we show them a map? No... right... besides the map you need a little more of knowledge.
For the guy who mentioned Spanglish... shame on him!
2006-09-17 15:40:56
answer #1
answered by kamelåså 7