Our male gets like that from time to time, but I don't think it's only jealousy. I think he knows that if he lays or sits between us, he gets attention from two people at once as opposed to one, lol.
But he IS jealous of the new female kitty. She jumped into my lap last week and as I was petting her, Blaze's head popped up from behind the arm of the couch.....he didn't look thrilled. He jumped over onto my lap, placed his front paws on my chest....and just stood there staring at Lotus. It was almost as if he was DARING her to usurp his position on me. She jumped down, and he flopped, belly up like a baby, into my lap....where he lay, quite content, for about half an hour.....
Cats are hilarious.
2006-09-17 15:40:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Your cat is not jealous of your husband, he wants attention from both of you at the same time. I have 3 cats and they all do this to me or they go in and sleep with my kids, the cats also like the extra body warmth that they can get.
Be patient with him and show him the affection that he wants.
This behaviour is very normal for cats and dogs.
Good luck.
2006-09-17 23:42:14
answer #2
answered by Kym 2
Story of my life...
my dog AND cat are jealous if my fiance and I lay next to eachother. My dog and cat are also jealous of eachother. My dog is jealous of any other dog we pet. And half the time my fiance is jealous of my dog (he's my baby-and my cat now hates me for the same reason).
But to answer your question.....animals love attention (at least mine do). And in my experience, it's normal for them to not like it when you're giving it to someone else.
2006-09-17 20:50:53
answer #3
answered by abbya11111 2
I don't know if your kitty is actually jealous...I think he just knows where the warmest place is! :) My cat Gypsy sleeps (would you believe) under the covers between my husband and I every night! I think your kitty is perfectly normal :)
2006-09-17 20:44:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Are you having an affair with this cat?
2006-09-17 20:38:20
answer #5
answered by Uncle Fester 3
Maybe he thinks he is joining his fellow cats for a rest.
2006-09-17 20:47:23
answer #6
answered by Robert B 5
They are both trying to assert themselves as the Alpha Male....
2006-09-17 20:44:48
answer #7
answered by Farmgirl 3
get rid of the cat and get a dog.
2006-09-17 20:44:11
answer #8
answered by dumbdumb 4