If he makes you feel uneasy there is probably a reason (I NEVER 2nd guess my gut feelings).
Nicely tell him that You are flattered he finds you attractive, but that you are not interested in him. Just that simply and just that clearly. Dont make it sound insulting but be CLEAR. Thats all it takes, yes he will probably feel let down a bit (nobody enjoys rejection) but he is likely to take the point as long as you are honest and clear with him. Good Luck.
2006-09-17 09:29:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How did you not answer in the first place? A turn down is a turn down and most people can see if you trying to be nice about it. I mean is there anyway to say your ugly and dull so no? I doubt it so it leaves youw itha lie so just say no your dad is psycho and you can't handle it. Or you just wouldn't understand my family I am sorry. I don't want to get into anything because my parent/s been talking about moving. There is no easy way out except to lie or bend the truth to something that is explainable.
2006-09-17 17:06:08
answer #2
answered by Labatt113 4
just tell him your not ready to be in a relationship you guys can be friends and nothing more your sorry and then move on about your business thats what i would do good luck
2006-09-17 16:30:48
answer #3
answered by nikki e 1
Tell him that hes a nice guy and that you wanted to be his friend and try to hook him up with someone else.
2006-09-17 16:27:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Bad feeling about it , stay a way
2006-09-17 16:25:47
answer #5
answered by ed46324 3
I would stay out of his way, and especially would not give him my phone number or address.
2006-09-17 16:27:18
answer #6
answered by Cutie 4
trist your instincts and tel him you have a bf already. or just tell him you enjoy being single right now. or youre a lesbian
2006-09-17 16:28:15
answer #7
answered by sx_rx_rocknroll 3
Tell him you are a lesbian, then just start kissing the nearest girl......that should get your point across.
2006-09-17 17:02:52
answer #8
answered by Brad 2
just say no seems pretty easy and straight forward!
2006-09-17 16:27:13
answer #9
answered by smartie 2
just tell him no that your not dateing right now.............but always trust your feelings you have them for a reason
2006-09-17 16:28:02
answer #10
answered by allison b 5