overweight ! 135 pounds is normal for 5''5
2006-09-17 07:34:11
answer #1
answered by Purple Rain 4
As a mother of a 16 year girl I have dealt with this before. She might be a little "fluffy", but she will soon outgrow it. She is at the time in her life when her hormones are a little crazy. Her body is preparing to become an adult woman and unfortunately we all get a little more fat on us. Plus, we gain a little weight before we have a growth spurt. My daughter gained 5 inches during this time and thinned right out. Your friend should not "diet" at this time because her body needs the extra nutrients. Your friend should concentrate of eating healthy and maybe going on walks to help her feel like she is doing something for herself. Just be supportive and she will outgrow it.... My daughter did.
2006-09-17 07:56:44
answer #2
answered by Bookworm4124 3
It depends. Muscle weights more than fat. So a person who weights 135lbs can actually be in MUCH better shape than someone who weight 110lbs. As far as weight goes, there is more to it than "she weights this much, is she fat" Bone structureand muscle mass have alot to do with it. Another question would be if she has entered puberty. At 13 the body is going through massive changes. At 135lbs I would not worry AT ALL.
2006-09-17 07:39:17
answer #3
answered by susan w 3
I dont think so. I am 5'2 also and 15, I weigh 150 and my dr. says that i am perfectly proportioned. Weight doesnt necessarily mean fat, it could be in muscle and bone mass. On the average if you look it up any woman 5' to 5'4 can weigh anywhere from 120 - 155 lbs and still be healthy, its good not to be anorexic though!
2006-09-17 07:37:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If she was an adult, that would be just verging on being overweight. For a 13 year old, she should try to lose at least 10lb to be more healthy and to prevent her from becoming overweight. However, it also depends on her frame size, how much of her weight is from muscle and how much is from fat. I would just encourage her to eat healthily and exercise. HTH : )
2006-09-17 07:55:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
one it depends on how she is built.
not everyone is built the same.
at 13 i was 5' and 130 but I was solid and
very muscular.
While some people may consider her a bit over
weight that does not mean that she is fat
If you are her friend then it should not matter to you
if she is over weight or not. You are her friend for who she is and not what she looks like Right?
2006-09-17 07:36:32
answer #6
answered by baby_thumper_girl 2
She could stand to lose maybe 10lbs.
But one reason women become obese is because they start out needing to lose only 10 or so pounds and with dieting they screw up their metabolism and then they start packing on the pounds.
Tell your friend NOT to diet, but to do more physical activities to lose the extra 10 pounds.
2006-09-17 07:36:04
answer #7
answered by daljack -a girl 7
Funny thing is, according to the BMI (body mass index) she is of average weight. UNfortunatly 13 year olds can be cruel. What is even more pathetic is the adults that are so brainwashed into what is 'normal'. If you are happy with yourself who cares? I would hate to be boney, I love my curves!
2006-09-17 07:54:47
answer #8
answered by hever33 1
A little bit. Time to try out for a school sports team if she wants to lose it; regardless of how people think of her. If anyone asks, tell them the truth that she wants to lose the weight and doesn't care if she makes the team or not.
2006-09-17 07:41:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No at 13 years old you are going through puberty and have a few years that you will grow taller and even it out. your bodies are groing through alot of changes with hormones as well, and once it evens out you will be able to tell if you are overweight. give it a few years
2006-09-17 07:34:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous