A headache (medically known as cephalalgia, sometimes spelled as cephalgia) is a condition of pain in the head; sometimes neck or upper back pain may also be interpreted as a headache. It ranks amongst the most common local pain complaints. Headaches have a wide variety of causes, ranging from eye strain, sinusitis and tension to life-threatening conditions such as encephalitis, meningitis, cerebral aneurysms and brain tumors. When the headache occurs in conjunction with a head injury the cause is usually quite evident; however, many causes are more unclear. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Some experience headaches when dehydrated; caffeine withdrawal is another common cause.
Treatment of uncomplicated headache is usually symptomatic with over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen, although some specific forms of headaches (e.g. migraine) may demand other, more suitable treatment. Not all headaches require medical attention, and respond with simple analgesia (painkillers) such as paracetamol/acetaminophen.
In recurrent unexplained headaches, healthcare professionals may recommend keeping a "headache diary" with entries on type of headache, associated symptoms, precipitating and aggravating factors. This may reveal specific patterns, such as an association with medication, menstruation or absenteeism.
Some forms of headache may be amenable to preventative treatment, such as MIGRAINE. On the whole, long-term use of painkillers is discouraged as this may lead to "rebound headaches" on withdrawal. Caffeine, a vasoconstrictor, is sometimes prescribed or recommended, as a remedy or supplement to pain killers in the case of extreme migraine. This has led to the development of Tylenol Ultra, a paracetamol/caffeine analgesic. One popular herbal preventive treatment for migraines is Feverfew. Magnesium, Vitamin B2, and Coenzyme Q10.
You can have more information from website: http://headaches.about.com/
2006-09-17 05:08:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Okay, I don't know if this is your daughter's case or not, but my dad had the exact same thing and after tons of doctor visits/tests this is what his problem was: he has sleep apnea (temporarily stops breathing during the night while sleeping). This causes the brain to not get the oxygen it needs during the night. In turn, it causes horrible headaches the next morning that often lasted all day (sometimes he would spend the day in bed). He had to go to a sleep clinic for a night or two and then they sent him home with a machine and he has to sleep with a mask on at night that forces air into his mouth and nose. He said he's never felt better now! He had lived with those headaches for a year or two. Good luck to you and your daughter!
2006-09-17 04:53:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Several diagnoses may exist in this case, but time, duration, frequency, and chronicity are best determinants when evaluated during a thorough medical evaluation.
In consideration of migraines, first and foremost, be aware that no cure exists, regardless of what advertisements may say. In fact, the American Academy of Neurology has set a humble goal of decreasing migraine headaches by half for any given period of occurrence (e.g.: six a month sets a therapeutic goal of three per month).
In addition, be advised that migraines are much like bad roommates that one has to live with: besides being uncontrollable, they are ever lurking, unpredictable, and look for any cheap reason to act out.
In women, the number one trigger of migraines is menstrual period, while number one in men is upper airway congestions, such as sinus headaches - most often triggered by allergic rhinitis. This same condition becomes number one in most pre-or post-menopausal women.
In the case of your daughter, the fact that her migraines are daily - and assuming that this means not in synch with her menstrual periods (another assumption) - you may consider the possibility of allergic rhinitis, whereby sinus cavities become crowded from the accumulation of secretions released by overstimulated sinuses.
Most importantly, have a physician look at this possibility. If the migraines do not resolve, a neurological evaluation becomes a valuable option, once sinus problems are ruled out by the primary care or the ear-nose-throat physician.
Hope this helps.
2006-09-17 05:12:29
answer #3
answered by Dr. A 1
If it was migraine, it wouldn't present itself ONLY while she's at school. There's something else going on here. Does she need glasses? Does she have any allergies? Does the school have good ventillation? Are there other kids experiencing similar symptoms only at school? Is everything alright at school for her? Friends okay? Grades okay? There are a lot of possible reasons for this that could probably be resolved without having to heavily medicate her.
2006-09-17 04:54:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There could be many reasons for these headaches. First could be stress from school. Have you talked with her to see if something is bothering her and could be causing this. Second, it could be her eye sight or allergies/sinuses. Get an eye examination to see if this is it. If not go to the dr and see if he can do a CAT scan to see if any problems can be found. Headaches can be serious or just seasonal. I have them when the pollen and rag weed is bad or if work gets on my nerves.
2006-09-17 04:58:43
answer #5
answered by cfoxwell99 5
I had the same problem a couple of years ago.. but I went for CT scans, visited pshychologists, neurologists, etc and they couldn't figure out the problem. The headaches just stopped after awhile, I still don't know why or how. So just to let you know, the problem will eventually go away so don't worry too much.
2006-09-17 05:05:12
answer #6
answered by Faridah W 2
You might want to try a different doctor. Also, my brother used to get headaches when he was a teen and that was because he had anemia. This is just a suggestion of course, only a blood test could figure that out.
2006-09-17 05:00:58
answer #7
answered by Dana ♪ 3
Try a chiropractor, maybe she's tilting her head a certain way without realizing it by typing on the computer or something like that. Also, massages can help, it might be comming from stress. I'd try both things. It has helped my daughter and I many a times. Insurance should cover the doctor.
2006-09-17 04:54:04
answer #8
answered by Corina 6
if she is stresses out she may have tension headaches i get them Lot and after cold or viruses it might just be shes fighting off the rest of the Bug its a icky thing to have i know i get them every year they come with headache hope she feels better soon i hate to see little ones sick
2016-03-27 05:25:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Have your doctor refer your daughter to a good hospital for a CT scan and an MRI. Hopefully, all this will be a good step in helping you figure out what is wrong with her. Good Luck.
2006-09-17 05:01:13
answer #10
answered by Mike M. 7