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I know it is a big sell for organic milk to say there are no growth hormones or antibiotics. But how many of these growth hormones actually make it into regular milk? Is it actually enough to be concerned enough about to spend the extra couple dollars on organic milk?

2006-09-17 04:26:26 · 2 answers · asked by mountain_laurel1183 5 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

2 answers

I have worked on three different dairy farms since I was 17. I have seen all ways of doing things and all kinds of feeding and vaccination programs. I would be more concerned with what that organic milk is carrying rather then what is in regular milk. Regular milk is perfectly safe after it has been pasturized. With organic milk those animals are recieving nothing to protect them from disease and a cow can carry alot of diseases without showing any signs of them. Growth hormones should not be a concern either. Most of the hype from that is a ploy from the organic industry to sell their milk. If you have ever seen organicly raised animal verses a normal dairy cow often times the organic animals are thin and sickly looking and are unable to produce a lot of milk. If the milk is certified organic then these animals cannot be treated for illnesss like mastitis which is basically an infection in the udder. The organic farmer has to milk more cows then the regular dairy farmer to produce the amount of milk they want therefore it is more expensive and labor intensive for him and the price of his milk is higher. To summarize it regular milk is just as safe if not safer then organic milk because there is a good chance it may come from healthier animals. Your wasting your money on organic milk.

2006-09-17 04:58:54 · answer #1 · answered by andrea 2 · 2 0

none i hope

2006-09-17 11:39:52 · answer #2 · answered by dumplingmuffin 7 · 2 0

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