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24 answers

Superstition..,thats all.No its not true..,I cant remember where but if you do a search on old wives tales..,that will be in there.Also said that if a cat lays on a babys chest while sleeping it will take the babies breath away..,another wives tale.Look it up,you will find it amusing.

2006-09-17 03:27:41 · answer #1 · answered by halfbright 5 · 0 0

Wow, this is a new one....where does this come from? I have heard some weird and unique things on here, but this makes the top ten. Neither cats not hair, swallowed or not have anything to do with being able to "make" a child...

2006-09-17 10:27:17 · answer #2 · answered by Sue F 7 · 1 0

No, it's just superstition. What does a cat or a hair have to do with conceiving? The cat doesn't affect it at all, and the hair will go through your digestive system and out the other end.

2006-09-17 10:24:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

lol that's the most retarded thing i ever heard, i swallow cat hair all the time,and Ive had kids (i have 11 cats 6 barn cats, we have 40 acres and 5 house cats)

2006-09-17 10:24:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Absolutely NOT... BUT what it does mean is, the child will be the same color as the cat's hair you swallow.... that is why there are White people, black people, brown people, yellow people etc.

2006-09-17 10:26:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What?!?!? I've never heard of this. The only connection between cats and children is when you're pregnant, you shouldn't change the cat litter.

2006-09-17 10:32:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous 4 · 1 0

no, that is not true lol, thats funny!! every cat owner has swallowed atleast a million cat hairs in their life time, it wont hurt you LOL LOL LOL

2006-09-17 10:26:19 · answer #7 · answered by feline 3 · 3 0

Oh please, tell me you were not serious! I mean, damn you have to be pretty strange to come up with a question like that.

Get a life, and think real hard before asking your next question. Because if all your queations are like this, you may want to think about seeking professional help.

Have a nice day.

2006-09-17 10:33:51 · answer #8 · answered by Annette 2 · 0 1

Never heard of that and I don't think that would be true. How could it be?

2006-09-17 10:26:16 · answer #9 · answered by Michelle 4 · 2 0

Be careful when you eat watermelons. If you eat a seed, one will grow in your stomach!

2006-09-17 12:23:40 · answer #10 · answered by ky_school_teacher 2 · 0 0

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