You will need the following:
Food – I recommend that you start off with what the it was eating before and also get a bag of Natural choice complete care indoor formula make sure for a kitten you get kitten formula food.
Litter box – I’ve tried many different ones and what I have found that works best for me and my cats is an enclosed litter box for the main reason that one of my cats likes to dig in the litter box and litter would get all over the floor we would be wasting way too much litter that way the covered box keeps most of the litter in the box, there is a little bit that tracks out when they come out of it, but most of that gets trapped in the litter mat, that’s another thing you should buy.
Litter – I had been a tidy cat person and then one day the store was out of it so I got arm and hammer super scoop and I haven’t even thought about going back. Make sure you get unscented; cats tend to not like scented litter it is too much for their nose to handle.
Litter Scooper – just get a regular plastic litter scooper, and scoop out the litter box at least once a day.
Litter box liners – I love litter box liners when it comes to doing a full litter change it is so much easier.
Toys – Get a good variety of toys, some ball, and some stuffed toys. Get a laser pointer, cats love these, just be careful not to shine it in their eyes it might blind them. Get at least one string toy, cats love these just don’t leave it out when you are not around or your cat may eat it and that has potential costly problems with it getting wrapped around their intestine causing a blockage that may take surgery to fix it.
You can get a cat bed or use a nice blanket so they have a soft place to nap.
Food bowls – it is actually recommended that you get a metal bowl; some cats have allergies to plastic.
I would recommend getting a drink well pet fountain. A lot of cats don’t drink enough and it causes urinary problems and cats love fresh flowing water and that’s what the drink well gives you constantly fresh flowing water.
Don’t forget to get a brush so you can groom your cat, you want to get the kitten use to being groomed, having it’s nails trimmed, and it’s teeth brushed as soon as you can it will make things much easier for you.
There are too many unwanted kittens out there to add to that population.
Here is a website that you can get some information on taking care of your kitten. you can do some research yourself there are tons of websites and books
2006-09-17 03:39:18
answer #1
answered by macleod709 7
First, and most importantly, you need to make an appointment with the vet. Get a full "kitten package" exam. Then ask, if they don't provide you with a booklet on kitten care. When your kitten is about 6 months old, you must bring it in to have it fixed so it won't have or be a father to kittens. That is being a responsible pet owner.
A kitten is like a baby, don't let it outside to run around, this is how they get killed easily by being hit by cars or mauled by dogs.
Don't let the kitten in the kitchen, on your beds or on tables where you eat.
Provide a comfortable warm bed that has soft toys, a little blanket or towel and cushion. Fresh water and kitten food (both dry and canned are best, get the natural kitten food). Get exams yearly or when a problem arises.
You can teach your kitten many things, cats are smart. It takes some patience and remember to love and give rewards. You have just gotten a wonderful furry little friend that will bring you much love and joy.
2006-09-17 10:23:09
answer #2
answered by MadforMAC 7
They're just playing and getting to know each other. You're lucky you have a patient dog! Make sure you buy kitten food, not cat food, and keep fresh water out for the kitten. If it does it's business in the house, immediately show it the cat litter, he/she will catch on quick. If it is a long-hair cat brush it EVERY morning, so it gets use to the grooming process, plus you'll have less fur around the house. Enjoy! If you're still unsure of what to do, buy a book about your breed of kitten...Good luck!
2006-09-17 10:37:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous 4
Cats are very independent creatures who will develop a very unique personality. It is best to let your baby play with the dog as they will develop a very strong bond. However if you begin to tell them no or to stop they will believe it is a bad thing that they play together. You should have a litter box, which I am certain you do. Cats are very clean animals so they learn to use the litter box very quickly. Do not be upset if your baby does not want to cuddle as often as you might like. This is their way. Good luck and I just know you will have years of happiness ahead of you.
2006-09-17 10:28:27
answer #4
answered by ilovebettydavis 1
You should have a litter box, lots of toys, clean water all times (actually there is a water dish that filters the water it works great), plenty of food, and lots of love for the kitty! Your cat is just playing with the dog's tail nothing to worry about!
2006-09-17 10:44:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Change the litter as soon as she uses it because they hate going back to the same dirty tray. She will be a little constapated early on, but once she gets used to her own body and cat food she should find herself predictable enough to go outside to do her business.
When she first starts to go outside, leave the door open because she will only wander a few feet from the house for the first few months. Gradually as she grows she'll carve herself a piece of territory usually no bigger than 3 detached houses wide so if she ever goes missing check those houses because they often get themselves locked in garages and sheds.
Iams is good food to feed them, it keeps them looking really healthy and it doesn't go off as quickly as canned food. It can be a little expensive but a large bag lasts ages as they only need about a 1/3 of a mug full. Put water down for her with dry food, but don't expect her to drink much as cats get most of the water they drink from natural sources (e.g. Ponds or outside taps). If she drinks exessively and regularly this is not a good sign.
I think you wait 6 months before you get them neutered. Its up to you but male cats can be quite rough on her if she hasn't been neutered, and you might find yourself taking her to the vets more times than you care to mention, so it is often best that she has the operation.
2006-09-17 10:31:19
answer #6
answered by Daniel H 1
I have 4 cats that I brought in from my garage when they were kittens, and I have a dog.
Obviously, you are going to start out by feeding her kitten food. We leave dry food out for our cats and dog all the time, but we have to make sure the dog can NOT get at the cat food or she will eat it instead of her own food and then the cat's won't have anything.
Because we have so many cats, we have one of those feeding bowels that has an upside down container next to it that holds a supply of food and it keeps the bowl filled as they eat. You probably won't need anything like that, at least not yet.
Also, make sure you keep have plenty of fresh water out for her and that you keep the liter box clean. We have four litter boxes and my wife cleans them three times a week. It's also best to have one that has a hood on it if you ask me, because some cats don't aim very well when they pee and sometimes they can pee outside the box if you don't have a hood on it. Also, you might want to make sure your dog doesn't have access to the litter box, because it might be tempted to go eating out it it. You know how dumb dogs can be. Mine is dumb as a sack of rocks, so we have to keep the openings of the litter boxes facing a wall so that the dog can't get in there.
We use to give our cats some moist food (once a day) when they were young, but when they got older we weened them off of it and now they are on only dry food. Being on only dry food is handy in case you ever need or want to be able to be away from home for a couple of days. All you have to do is make sure you leave plenty of water out, dry food, and that the litter box is clean before you leave and you shouldn't have to worry about being gone for a couple of days; at least as far as the cat is concerned. We usually take our dog with us when we go away.
You don't want to get it's nails ripped out, because that's too painful for them, but you will want to get it fixed incase it ever gets out. You probably don't want it coming back pregnant.
We are very careful about making sure our cats don't get out of the house, so we don't bother getting all those shots. However, we do actively take care of making sure we don't get any fleas in our house, so make sure you have your dog well protected or it could bring them into your cat.
We get some toys for our creatures, but we don't go too nuts on buying them, because they seem to like playing with ordinary items too. Give them an empty box that they can go in and out of and they are happy.
2006-09-17 10:43:24
answer #7
answered by JSalakar 5
Kittens are very playful!!! So its pretty much gonna go after everything that moves! They also sleep alot too.
1. dont sneak up on it
2.dont bother it when its eating or sleeping
3.if you wear pants or shirts with strings on it dont wear them!
5.dont mistreat it because if you do it will hate you forever!
Good Luck!
2006-09-17 10:25:02
answer #8
answered by Shopoholic 2
let it get use to it's surroundings. Also buy all the relavant things. A scratching post is good too for some playtime. Oh and don't let it out of your house as it's far too young
2006-09-17 10:42:27
answer #9
answered by paris d 1
Once i read one of your answers and you said you hated cats so give the poor cat to some one who loves cats but dont just kick her out know where shes going and know she'll be safe
2006-09-17 19:08:33
answer #10
answered by EJ 1