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I usually do not do this but this man has just happened to really tick me off.

so here is my question.But let me start with this,,,,
You bash Amstaff or those that are dual registered in the UKC and the AKC, however, if you are so smart you will realize that when every city, and state has banned these dogs your big bad pitfighter is included as well as my so called (by you) staffy taffy.

Do you do anything at all to prevent Breed Specific Laws?
Do you write to majors? Do you attend town meetings?
Or do people like you just stick to the back woods and breed with your sister? And yes, I will continue to speak up for Pits because people like you are to chicken s**t to.

And for all others, what are your opinions on people who like to trash dogs that are not his dogs and do nothing to help the breed he claims to love?

2006-09-16 15:44:37 · 9 answers · asked by melissa s 4 in Pets Dogs

For you that do not know who he is, he answers questions on here and puts anyone down who owns a Pit that he claims is not a true pit because we are not fighting them like he does.
What a guy.....

2006-09-16 15:59:11 · update #1

Oh, he actually commented.
My question to you, you still did not answer. that tells me you are of the old thought process which insults rather then actually educates. If you gave a crap about these dogs you would stop the nick picking and see that you and I and the Rottie owners and the Chow owners and so on are all in the same boat. wether you like it or not.
I agree with the one fellow that the fighting lines actually are more reliable. I happen to like the duel registered dogs better,. I see the best of both worlds. I also agree that most Pits are not true Pits, that does not mean mine is not. I can actually trace his lineage all the way to Colby and Heinz. that as you should know is a old time fighting line. I also happen to know a lot of direct decentent dogs from old time lines. so I am not ignorant nor speaking of anything I do not know. And I am not a soccor mom nor do I hen peck my husband. and I am sorry about your sister as well. sincerely...

2006-09-16 16:37:28 · update #2

9 answers

Most dogmen types do not like what the AKC has done with our beloved breed. AmStaffs are actualyl MORE likely to be aggressive than gamebred pits. For the PETCO pet trainer who thinks dual registration translates to a "versatile" dog; you couldn't be more wrong. Registration papers mean NOTHING, especially for "pitbul" breeds. ADBA has much more good standing with deep bulldog fanciers. I probably sound like I am disagreeing with you but I am not. I am just trying to explain my side of things being a strong gamedog supporter in the ADBA and breeder for over 40 years. In that time not one of my dogs has ever bitten a single person or child. Personally I have done plenty to thwart BSL and will fight to the death for my dogs. If they are ever banned than I will be in jail the next day protecting them from certain death. As far as dogfighting goes, there are two worlds to this and I only think one of them is cruel. Inner city wannabe gang members who make dogs fight and torture and kill animals need to be locked up for eternity. However, the old time dogfighters than did it for breeding purposes are the folk responsibile for making this breed what it is today and is why gamebred dogs are actually FRIENDLIER to people than scatterbred AmStaff's.

2006-09-16 16:26:08 · answer #1 · answered by Clark 2 · 2 0

I would like to add my 'aye'. I think that breed specific laws arent necessarily a bad thing....although I do think that there should be an exception for dogs that are well socialized and have good manners. I think that they should offer a permit option. For any responsible Pit, Staffy,Rottie, and even German Shepherd owner this is not a big deal, their dogs would meet those requirements. I also think that half of the little dogs need the training just as much, the only difference between the two is the severity of the wound inflicted. It probably isnt that possible for a Yorkie to rip a childs throat out, but there are plenty that would try. As for the dual registry, did this guy not approve? A dual AKC and UKC, Am. Staff and APBT says to me this is a versitle dog staying true to original form. Many of the single registered dogs dont maintain that, and start getting too 'typie', depending on the Kennel Club. I live in an area that has issues with fighting and massive overpopulation of backyard Pits. I am tired of seeing puppy after puppy come in at 8 weeks old with an owner that doesnt have the slightest clue how to appropriately care for their dog.Keeping them inside might be a start, EH? This week alone the animal regulation division of the county brought in almost 40 Pits, not to mention the others that are in the Humane Society or other shelters nearby. I absolutely love these dogs but too many people that shouldnt reproduce themselves own them. It is not the dog that gives them a bad name, it is the fault of the people who own them. All you have to do is go to a dog show and take a look at these dogs in a show ring to know that these dogs arent monsters or uncontrollable. The crappy owners are the real problem.

I also think that people should get a permit to have a kid too....but what do you do about that?

2006-09-16 23:07:03 · answer #2 · answered by madfly80 3 · 1 2

"stop the nick picking and see that you and I and the Rottie owners and the Chow owners and so on are all in the same boat."

I couldn't agree with this more. It is ridiculous for dog owners to fight amongst themselves when the REAL enemy is HSUS, PeTA, IDA and the rest of them. I have a breed that, as far as I know, isn't banned ANYWHERE. I will fight against BSL (and ALL anti-dog laws) because ANY breed is only a bite away from being banned/restricted.

What I don't understand is, why is everyone so upset about BSL, when few care about laws that restrict the right to have ANY breed??? BSL will not matter if we are not able to have ANY dog!

2006-09-17 01:52:02 · answer #3 · answered by whpptwmn 5 · 3 0

There are no 'Bag Dogs' only bad people. Stereotyping a breed is the same as stereotyping a race. Pits or Am Staffs are powerful dogs but they are not 'mean' by nature. I have had a few Pitbulls and have a 3year old female currently. I absolutely would never even consider fighting them (( In my opinion it is sadistic)).My dogs have always been friendly and I have tried to use that to dispel the negative image that seems to loom over Pits. My dog Holli Terrier rides in her Harley sidecar and attracts a lot of attention anyone who was apprehensive of Pitbulls before meeting her is far less so afterwards.

2006-09-16 23:48:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I own a pit bull. I agree w/ you! People like that make me sick. Pits are wonderful dogs! They are so loyal. They have a bad name because stupid inbread rednecks like to fight them. Poeple do not treat them properly. They need to start killing the people that do not know how to treat animals instead of killing the animals!

2006-09-16 23:57:13 · answer #5 · answered by HAYLEY 2 · 1 2

Are you losing your religion? I can help you with that too. But, onward and upward. Well, I don`t know what backwoods you are referring to and I never had sex with my sister, she died six years ago. I don`t defend myself when the attacker does`nt know her *** from a hole in the ground, ignorance from you is to be expected.
When you research APBT`s for years and own them for close to thirty years then you might have something worthwhile to comment on. Until then, play soccer mom and henpeck your husband as you are starting to bore me . If you want to talk about amstaffs, rant on but don`t get on a bandwagon about APBT`s when you don`t even own one and don`t know **** about them.
Learn where your place is on the food chain or **** off.

2006-09-16 23:17:19 · answer #6 · answered by Fightingpit 5 · 3 1

Nobody should EVER be abusing their pets, or pit fighting. That dude doesn't know what that dog is going through. Every dog just wants to be loved, without that, they can be a monster. And it takes a monster to create one. I would call PETA, or the police and inform them of dog abuse.

2006-09-16 22:55:43 · answer #7 · answered by Ellem E 2 · 1 3

I don't know who this guy is but he sounds like a complete jerk! I love pitts, and I have three of them.
<<<< That's my baby Harley! Anyone who fights them are selfish, unintelligent idiots! All "bully" breeds are great dogs and no one should trash any of them! He doesn't love the breed, he loves the money he makes off of their pain and suffering.

2006-09-16 22:52:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I'm totally for the pits....I agree with you completely. In fact I am helping work against breed specific legislation. Thanks so much for relaying the truth about some people!

2006-09-16 22:50:04 · answer #9 · answered by pitbullluver 1 · 2 2

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