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I need a good recipe. Does anyone have one they'd like to share??

2006-09-16 14:11:00 · 8 answers · asked by Miss Mouse 6 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

8 answers

This one is fabulous! Wear your stretchy britches! :-D

Baked Macaroni & Cheese

1 lb. macaroni, boiled al dente, according to pkg. directions
2 cups white sauce** (recipe below)
2 c ups yellow cheddar
2 cups Muenster cheese

Add cheese to white sauce and stir. (Save a bit of cheese for the topping.) Stir sauce into macaroni and place in a buttered casserole dish. Place in 350° oven until slightly brown and bubbly on top -- 25-30 minutes.

**White Sauce:
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup milk
4 Tbsp butter
3 Tbsp flour

Heat the milk and cream together almost to a boil. Melt butter in saucepan, then add all the flour stirring constantly. Let cook for 4-5 minutes, continuing to stir. Remove from heat and add warm milk and cream while whisking -- if sauce is too thick, add a touch more milk.

--Isaac Mizrahi TV Show

2006-09-16 14:15:27 · answer #1 · answered by Sugar Pie 7 · 2 0

Ok here's My Favorite Ricipe

454g Elbow Spaghetti
3 tbsp. Oil
2 tsp. Salt

Cheese Sauce:
500 Ml. Milk 2%
1/2 Onion squared big
2 Bay Leafs
4 Whole Cloves
Pinch Nutmeg
80g Butter
70g Flour
As Much Of Your Favorite Cheese as Long as its grated

Boil Elbow Mac. In water w/ Oil and Salt.
Meanwhile saute onion, bayleaf & cloves untill onion turns translucent, Add Milk and bring to a simmer. Then strain &reserve milk.

In a sperate pot melt butter. Once melted add flour and Stir. careful not too burn the flour. Add the milk. And Whisk till it is combined. bring to a simmer once at a simmer add your favorite cheese. Melt the cheese and the add the Macorini. ENjoy.

2006-09-17 00:59:06 · answer #2 · answered by SoonTobeChef 1 · 0 0

Mac and Cheese with Bacon and Peas:

2 cups fat-skimmed chicken broth
1 cup nonfat milk
1/2 pound dried elbow macaroni
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup frozen petite peas
1/4 pound Canadian bacon, cut into thin strips
1 1/2 cups (6 oz.) shredded reduced-fat sharp cheddar cheese
Fresh-ground pepper
Fresh-grated nutmeg

1. In a 4- to 5-quart pan over high heat, bring broth, milk, and macaroni to a boil. Stir mixture often until the pasta is tender to bite, about 10 minutes.

2. Blend cornstarch and 3 tablespoons water until smooth. Stir into pan and continue stirring until mixture boils.

3. Add peas and Canadian bacon; mix well and remove from heat. Sprinkle cheese over pasta mixture and stir just until melted, 1 to 2 minutes.

4. Spoon into wide bowls or onto plates and sprinkle generously with pepper and nutmeg.

Yield: Makes 4 servings

2006-09-16 22:38:05 · answer #3 · answered by Girly♥ 7 · 0 0

Creamy Four-Cheese Macaroni

1/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 and 2/3 cups 1% low-fat milk
3/4 cup (3 ounces) shredded fontina cheese or Swiss cheese
1/2 cup (2 ounces) grated fresh Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup (2 ounces) shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese
3 ounces light processed cheese (such as light Velveeta)
6 cups cooked elbow macaroni (about 3 cups uncooked)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cooking spray
1/3 cup crushed onion melba toasts (about 12 pieces)
1 tablespoon reduced-calorie margarine, softened

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Place flour in a large saucepan. Gradually add milk, stirring with a whisk until blended. Cook over medium heat 8 minutes or until thick, stirring constantly. Add cheeses; cook 3 minutes or until cheese melts, stirring frequently. Remove from heat; stir in macaroni and salt.
3. Spoon mixture into a 2-quart casserole coated with cooking spray. Combine crushed toasts and margarine in a small bowl; stir until well-blended. Sprinkle over macaroni mixture. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until bubbly. Yield: 8 servings (serving size = 1 cup).

2006-09-16 21:23:28 · answer #4 · answered by Steven Jay 4 · 2 1

I like little shell macaroni,cooked til tender.Drain and then make a white sauce,but the most important is the cheeses that you use to stir into the sauce.Sharp cheddar,blue cheese and American food slices until melted,Sounds weird to all of you chefs out there.but this is compfort and soul at it,s finest.If you like,sprinkle the top with bread crumbs tossed with meltd butter,but I like it straight up.Ahhhh.better than yoga.

2006-09-16 21:39:42 · answer #5 · answered by gypsycricket 4 · 0 0

Or try this one also,


If you have ever managed to have a lucid thought while eating this gooey, delicious dish, it may have been to wonder how macaroni and cheese—American cheese melted into a traditional British white sauce served over Italian pasta—came about. It all started during the age of European colonization, when seafaring men transported dried macarone—one of the few staples that could survive a year aboard ship—from Italy to Britain and to the American colonies.

American colonists did not have the selection of fresh produce and other ingredients that the Italians had; their meals were improvised from a larder of fresh or sour milk, stale bread, and pork drippings. So the imported pasta would often be served with a simple white sauce—milk thickened with flour and butter. Sometimes it was baked in a casserole with buttered breadcrumbs on top. A recipe for a casserole of macaroni, white sauce, and grated yellow cheese was first recorded in the “Boston Cooking School Cookbook” in 1896.

Kraft introduced its macaroni-and-cheese dinner in 1937 as a way to market processed American cheese and Tenderoni macaroni. It swept the nation. Recipes for homemade macaroni and cheese began to appear frequently in cookbooks.

Nowadays, making delicious homemade macaroni and cheese has become a mission for some people: They are always trying to make it more comforting, cheesier. It’s a completely worthwhile way to spend your time.


To begin, you still need to make a white sauce. A generous amount of butter is melted in a large saucepan, and then flour is stirred into it to make a loose paste. After the flour has cooked in the hot butter, hot milk is whisked in. The starch from the cooked flour expands in the milk, creating a thick, creamy sauce. The starch binds the sauce, so that when the cheese is stirred in, the result is creamy and smooth, not stringy and curdled.

It is important to use pungent cheeses, such as sharp cheddar, mixed with a little Gruyère or pecorino Romano for extra bite, since the white sauce and pasta will absorb a lot of flavor. The type of cheese used will also affect the sauce’s texture: Sharp white cheddar produces the smoothest result; yellow and extra sharp cheddars can become grainy.

A good Italian brand of dried elbow macaroni will have the best consistency. Undercook your pasta so that it is the slightest bit crunchy (very al dente) in the center, then rinse it under cold water. This stops the cooking and washes off the excess starch. You might think that starch would be useful in further thickening the casserole, but it isn’t; as it bakes, that extra starch merely expands and lends a mealy texture to your sauce.

The pasta will finish cooking as it bakes. The sauce will bubble, seeping into the hollows of your macaroni. When the smell of butter and browning cheese makes your stomach growl, you’ll know the dish is ready to eat.


You can easily divide this recipe in half; use a
1 1/2-quart casserole dish if you do.

Serves 12
6 slices good-quality white bread, crusts removed, torn into 1/4- to 1/2-inch pieces
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, plus more for dish
5 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
4 1/2 cups (about 18 ounces) grated sharp white cheddar
2 cups (about 8 ounces) grated Gruyère or 1 1/4 cups (about 5 ounces) grated pecorino Romano
1 pound elbow macaroni

1. Heat the oven to 375°. Butter a 3-quart casserole dish; set aside. Place bread pieces in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Pour butter into the bowl with bread, and toss. Set the breadcrumbs aside. In a medium saucepan set over medium heat, heat milk. Melt remaining 6 tablespoons butter in a high-sided skillet over medium heat. When butter bubbles, add flour. Cook, stirring, 1 minute.

2. Slowly pour hot milk into flour-butter mixture while whisking. Continue cooking, whisking constantly, until the mixture bubbles and becomes thick.


3. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in salt, nutmeg, black pepper, cayenne pepper, 3 cups cheddar, and 1 1/2 cups Gruyère or 1 cup pecorino Romano. Set cheese sauce aside.

4. Fill a large saucepan with water. Bring to a boil. Add macaroni; cook 2 to 3 fewer minutes than manufacturer’s directions, until outside of pasta is cooked and inside is underdone. (Different brands of macaroni cook at different rates; be sure to read the instructions.) Transfer the macaroni to a colander, rinse under cold running water, and drain well. Stir macaroni into the reserved cheese sauce.

5. Pour the mixture into the prepared casserole dish. Sprinkle remaining 1 1/2 cups cheddar and 1/2 cup Gruyère or 1/4 cup pecorino Romano; scatter breadcrumbs over the top. Bake until browned on top, about 30 minutes. Transfer dish to a wire rack to cool for 5 minutes; serve.

2006-09-17 07:59:48 · answer #6 · answered by NICK B 5 · 0 0

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

2006-09-16 21:44:45 · answer #7 · answered by blaze 4 · 0 1

buy a box from giant
and cook it
and read the labely thing

2006-09-16 21:18:41 · answer #8 · answered by rockandrollguy72 2 · 0 2

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