Read below. Its a discussion between a muslim and a christian in a chat room. It gets cut off near the end because the muslim had to go.
Matt: Is there any evidence that the Quran is from God?
Abdul: Yes
Matt: What evidence is there?
Abdul: None can make a verse / ayah of Qur'an. That's the evidence.
Matt: Excuse me, but that is no evidence.
Abdul: Well.
Matt: Merely stating it, doesn't make it so. Would it not be better to have some extraordinary evidence or miracles to validate the supernatural quality of the book?
Abdul: No. Muslims hear & obey. They hear Allah & Rasool and obey.
Matt: You mean, we are to have no evidence of anything extraordinary when extraordinary claims are made? So, if I made an extraordinary claim that God spoke to me, should you then simply believe it or would you rather have some proof?
Abdul: Yes. Just you have to accept & obey when its from Allah / Qur'an
Matt: Which? Would you merely accept what I said or would you want some evidence that what I said was true? Which?
Abdul: Please read the Qur'an fully insha allah you will get every evidence.
Matt: May I say something?
Abdul: Ok
Matt: The Bible has a great deal of evidence to support it: archaeology, fulfilled prophecy, etc.
Abdul: Ok
Matt: It claims to be the self-revelation of God and it is accompanied by extraordinary events and many miracles. For example, Moses parting the Red Sea, Enoch going to heaven, Jesus walking on water, etc.
Abdul: Look. It was also from Allah. But it was changed. Now only Quran is unchanged
Matt: Why should I trust the Quran over the Bible?
Abdul: Look
Matt: If you say it has been changed, how do you know it has been changed?
Abdul: Quran has also this type of evidence.
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