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Read below. Its a discussion between a muslim and a christian in a chat room. It gets cut off near the end because the muslim had to go.

Matt: Is there any evidence that the Quran is from God?
Abdul: Yes
Matt: What evidence is there?
Abdul: None can make a verse / ayah of Qur'an. That's the evidence.
Matt: Excuse me, but that is no evidence.
Abdul: Well.
Matt: Merely stating it, doesn't make it so. Would it not be better to have some extraordinary evidence or miracles to validate the supernatural quality of the book?
Abdul: No. Muslims hear & obey. They hear Allah & Rasool and obey.
Matt: You mean, we are to have no evidence of anything extraordinary when extraordinary claims are made? So, if I made an extraordinary claim that God spoke to me, should you then simply believe it or would you rather have some proof?
Abdul: Yes. Just you have to accept & obey when its from Allah / Qur'an
Matt: Which? Would you merely accept what I said or would you want some evidence that what I said was true? Which?
Abdul: Please read the Qur'an fully insha allah you will get every evidence.
Matt: May I say something?
Abdul: Ok
Matt: The Bible has a great deal of evidence to support it: archaeology, fulfilled prophecy, etc.
Abdul: Ok
Matt: It claims to be the self-revelation of God and it is accompanied by extraordinary events and many miracles. For example, Moses parting the Red Sea, Enoch going to heaven, Jesus walking on water, etc.
Abdul: Look. It was also from Allah. But it was changed. Now only Quran is unchanged
Matt: Why should I trust the Quran over the Bible?
Abdul: Look
Matt: If you say it has been changed, how do you know it has been changed?
Abdul: Quran has also this type of evidence.

2006-09-16 13:29:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

Please stop this type of questions, it is really senseless, we should respect each other regardless our background, religion, color...etc. We are HUMANS.

2006-09-16 22:33:02 · answer #1 · answered by Smith P 2 · 0 0

Islam is an extension of Judaism and christianity. If we put a little more emphasis on Jesus, we are pretty much christians except that we look at Jesus as a human. I read the christian Bible too. Muslims believe in Torah, Injeel (christian Bible), and the book Zaboor (I do not know what book is Zaboor). They also believe that parts of these books have been changed. Read different Bibles from different eras and see if they differ. Also being a woman, I like Islam. If you follow Islam truly then woman has a lot of respect. I do not like christian women being the sex objects. Very westernised muslim women are like christian women too. Go research Islam and science, some of the verses are amazing. I also like personal responsibility. I believe in monotheism.
Yes thumbs up to Chani.

2006-09-16 20:46:28 · answer #2 · answered by observer 4 · 0 0

Why do Christians believe their religion is the right and only one?

You talk of archeology and fulfilled prophecy. You can get these same things in Islam. And, how do you know these miracles happened? Because your Bible says so? This is not proof.

My main objection to the Christian concept (and I am not a Muslim) is that G-d would never come to earth in human form. My G-d is One.------the same as the Muslim thinks.

2006-09-16 20:37:09 · answer #3 · answered by Shossi 6 · 4 0

I did not read all the conversation. The Qur'an itself is a miracle. Qur'an message is guarded by God and will remain intact till the day of judgement. There are verses of Qur'an which prove that message is from God but it is for people who have faith in God to understand. Qur'an is not a book of science but whatever scientific information is contained within the message is proved to be 100% correct with recent scientific researches.

Thumbs up for Jew Chani.

2006-09-16 20:32:56 · answer #4 · answered by A K 5 · 2 0

Where's the "proof" that any of the cited miracles from the Bible actually occurred? Moreover, why is it any more absurd for Muslims to believe in Islam because of what the Koran says than it is for Christians to believe in Christianity just because the Bible says it's so? Is it not the same thing?

2006-09-16 20:33:44 · answer #5 · answered by Tommy 4 · 4 0

Wow. That's like saying "Hey Christians, why do you believe the bible is true, because God said so?" I suggest you read both and decide for yourself. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's not true.

2006-09-16 21:52:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Same reason Christians believe....the Bible says it is true. When in reality, neither has proof! It's what you, as an individual, believe, and how staunchly you do believe.

2006-09-16 20:36:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

here are proofs that islam is amiracle of allah (proofs from discoverd things)and that the bible is changedhttp://www.answering-christianity.com/links.htm

2006-09-16 20:36:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

there is no true or false. All religons are ways to meet god.and everyone has there own ways.

2006-09-16 20:35:47 · answer #9 · answered by prabhsangam g 1 · 3 0

you are a crack asshole

2006-09-16 20:59:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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