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just curious what ideas you might have had about mormonishm. (i ma mormon, btw... i'm a convert, so i have heard some far out ideas... just always find them interesting...)

2006-09-16 13:25:20 · 16 answers · asked by MnKLmT 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Hmmm... *GriN*...

I think that we DO know about the Holy Ghost...

He testifies of Heavenly Father and of Jesus Christ and He brings to our minds memories of many things... and truth...

God the Father.. has a Physical Body...

Jesus the Son of God the Father.. has a Physical Body...

The Holy Ghost has no physical body.. He is spirit so that He can enter us and speak directly with our spirit...

Oh... I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.. a Mormon...

and if you would like to know about us then you can visit our official Church Website (link below)...

Polytheistic.. hmmm.. yes.. Jesus told his Disciples in Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High...

WE are ALL Spirit children of God the Father, sent here to this earth to get a physical body and to be tested...

the test is not to let God know what we would do.. but rather to prove to us that at the final judgment our judgment is just and true...

Some of us will go to Heaven in Glory.. some will just go to Heaven.. and perhaps some will not go to Heaven...

we have Free Will to accept or deny Jesus Christ as our Savior.

2006-09-16 13:42:23 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Tom♥ 6 · 0 0

Read the book "Mormonism, Mama, and Me " by Thelma Geer
As a convert there are some things you won't learn about what Mormons believe until you are a lot deeper entrenched in the religion.
They believe that Jesus was a polygamist, that men and women become gods and goddesses and rule over their own planets, that Jesus and Lucifer were blood brothers and that Lucifer is "not bad" it's just that his plan of salvation wasn't quite as good a Jesus' plan, these and other things that are completely unBiblical.
These are not things I have heard through rumor and conjecture- these are things I have learned through those who have been brought up in Mormonism from birth- who have studied and practiced the religion for their entire lives. I have talked to a few Mormons who came to attempt to convert me and they do not deny these things but avoid talking about them as if it were something I am ' not supposed to know yet' or they don't really know and understand the depths of the religion they practice.

2006-09-16 13:41:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know a few Mormons and I would say that over all, like Christians they are descent up standing people with high morale fiber. But somebody tell me what the deal is with the holy long john underwear that Mormons wear? Also I must say it's a little disappointing that the main stream Mormon church no longer practices polygamy. :( IF they did I might have to rethink my own beliefs and become a Mormon.

2006-09-16 13:39:08 · answer #3 · answered by great dane fanatic 3 · 0 0

I've known many Mormons. They tend to be very hard-working, industrious people with high levels of integrity. I've met very few Mormons who weren't self motivated and doing well for themselves. They are very family oriented and spend a lot of time doing family activities.

All that said, their beliefs are ridiculous. Joseph Smith was obviously a con-man. He used common con-man tricks of the time. He'd been run off from many settlements. And was an all around shady character.

2006-09-16 13:32:35 · answer #4 · answered by Chris J 6 · 1 0

That they believe the Father has a body and is a finite God and the Son has a body and is a finite God and they have no idea what the Holy Spirit is because believing in at least two Gods they are confused about it! Possibly the Holy Spirit is another finite God.

Polytheism yes!

And they can't recant polytheism - it is the basis of the "first vision" of Joseph Smith the raging polygamist. Confirmed by his buddy Brigham Young - the raging polygamist in training.

2006-09-16 13:28:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Very nice people, who think they have to bang on people's door to get into Heaven, when the Bible clearly states you cannot get into Heaven by works. Mormons believe God and Satan are brothers, and that Jesus was Michael the Angel. Both statements are false according to the Bible.
They follow a mere human, who said he got instructions from God, rather than following God.

2006-09-16 13:30:43 · answer #6 · answered by Casey M 4 · 0 0

i dont listen to pre defined stereotypes, i go to churches and experience the religion forst hand and make my own conclusions.

I had a mormon Bishop tell me that i should donate all of my jewlery to the church because it was wrong for me to decorate my body with gold.

when i replied but my body is my personell temple to god, as it says in the bible, why would i not want to decorate it, just as you decorate your temple in D.C. with Gold and guilded glass.

he could not answer me.

i drove away in my busted up chevy and he drove away in a lexus. huh.....

P.S. i had on 3 rings and a necklace that were all gifts to me
one ring was my senior class ring , one was my father's wedding ring, and the last was my grandfather's ring.

the necklace was from my mother's side of the family and it was silver.

as far as practices and doctrine, well i think that the doctrine and covenants fo the mormon church is a little extensive for a book of rules, and i really cannot see any devine inspiration in that book. the book of mormon seems to have just as much violence and crap as the Bible does. I only read the first half of it before it started to make me not like the religion.

i love the fact that president hinkley claims to have the gift of vision into the future but he could not see that the Salamander Letter was a Fake before he spent millions of dollars of church money on it....

2006-09-16 14:09:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well lets see, where to start. Oh yeah, you say that Jesus was "a" god, which is contradictory to core christian doctrine that says that Jesus is God, so that makes you non-christian right away. Now, I've always wondered what the whole deal is with the "magic underwear", but you wouldn't know about that if you just recently converted.

2006-09-16 13:30:16 · answer #8 · answered by Jason M 5 · 0 0

Wow the things listed here are crazy. I guess people will believe anything without researching it. No of course we do not believe that Jesus was a polygamist, what a crazy idea. We do not practice polygamy. We believe in the Bible and believe that jesus was the son of God, who died on the cross for our sins.

2006-09-16 14:20:47 · answer #9 · answered by Melissa 7 · 0 0

I got the total story at separate times from three different Missionaries who had completed their tours.
Very enlightening.

I am also a student of Freemasonry and the parallels are amazing.
Same symbols, hand shakes, even close parallels to rituals.
(Completing the square, foot to heal - raising the arch!, etc..
Ma-Ha-Bone, and many others.

2006-09-16 13:31:42 · answer #10 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 1

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