Maybe he's just doing a research online for his Sunday's sermon with regards to gay pornography.
2006-09-17 04:50:31
answer #1
answered by Trixie 2
You have experience in converting homo back to hetro? I suggest that you should start a business of doing the conversion. Leave the pastor alone. Let the wife approachs the elders. Don't be surprise that the elders have the same sexual preference as the pastor.
2006-09-16 13:56:51
answer #2
answered by steve 6
Do NOT try to convert him back to a heterosexual. If you agreed not tell anyone, you can't. But if she simply spilled her guts to you, that's a sign she wants help. Either way, I think she really needs to confront him about it, so he knows she knows, and it's out in the open. Not a cool secret to keep hidden.
First, she needs to tell hubby what she told you, with you there if she needs your support. Then they need to go to his confidante (most pastors have another pastor they confide in, kind of like most psychologist talk to other psychologist to let off steam). The Elders may not have to know about this, if he gets help and nips this in the bud. He may need some kind of counseling and support, which I'm sure the other pastor will discuss with them.
Yuck. Any kind of pornography is sooooooooooo gross.
2006-09-16 13:43:38
answer #3
answered by Lucia in Iowa 2
The wife should confront her husband and ask to go to counselling. If he is religious then he does not honor their marriage in the way he should. He should not be a pastor. You can't live a duplicitous life and harm a woman and family thru unfaithfulness and still guide others.
2006-09-16 13:31:09
answer #4
answered by dhamca 3
Report him to the elders next time you see them in the Pastor's hot tub
2006-09-16 13:27:49
answer #5
answered by tony pepperoni 3
Tell the pastor's wife she should report him to the elders.
2006-09-16 13:27:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you can handle it, ask him if if you could meet with him and his wife and confront the sitution if it is ok with her. It will be you bringing it out in the open, and you must insist that something must be done or you will have to take futher action. If nothing changes, take it to the elders.
2006-09-16 13:36:22
answer #7
answered by donjaun91 2
And exactly how are you planning to convert him back...?
Be careful with this one. Did she just discover it, or has she known for a long time? If this is recent, your best bet is to allow her the opportunity to deal with it herself. She likely told you because she needs your support and love through a difficult time.
If it's been going on a while, I suggest you work with her to bring about a wise resolution. Keep in mind the principles of the Bible that govern dealing with another's sin.
2006-09-16 13:31:39
answer #8
answered by jewel_flower 4
they should sit down and talk about it. if he is gay, then he lied to her. she has the right to sever the marriage.
his addiction to porn is his personal concern. if it does not get in the way of his being a good and effective pastor, it does not concern us. he has to deal with it. but its never nice when someone who preaches about morality doesnt really practice it in reality.
as a servant of God one should strive to live a life in accordance with what one strives to instill into people. otherwise, its becomes confusing.
dont attempt to change his sexuality, its who he is. nobody can change anybodys. just talk to him and resolve it. if he needs help he will tell you, then help him.
honesty is the only way. the truth sets free.
2006-09-16 13:36:26
answer #9
answered by gaucherive 2
ok your a really sturdy boyfriend. maximum adult men would not even difficulty getting her candies or flora yet defiantly not questioning what she fairly needs and cares for. So sturdy for you dude!!! You a really sturdy boyfriend now for your question. If my boyfriend ever offered me presents i might want to love a hoop. To me a hoop is what shows the appreciation of ways a lot he loves me. not something to intense priced and under no circumstances a wedding ceremony ring only a a particular something perhaps get her birthstone in it or her named carved on the accurate or something that announces "Jason and women call" or perhaps going to the position the position you first met her or went on your first date might want to be very romantic. also a touch tip on once you provide her candies. Chocolate coated cherries you may under no circumstances bypass incorrect with. i have not met one lady that did not love them like I do. And thanks for being one of those worrying boyfriend it really is fairly demanding to discover lately.
2016-11-27 19:27:44
answer #10
answered by ? 4