You canhave several options. In the two examples you give, you can use "así que" (my first option), "por tanto" (this one sounds a little from TV news) "por lo tanto" (too scholar for me) and "entonces" (but... for some reason here it doesn't sound good to me).
In other context, "so" will have a differet translation, as in "The house was so big".
2006-09-17 02:46:15
answer #1
answered by kamelåså 7
Translating from one language to another is more complex than substituting one word for another. How a given term will be used in Spanish (or any other language) is dependent on the context.
I am a native speaker of English. That does not make me a grammar expert for English. I’m fairly well educated, I can diagram a sentence, but I know MANY native English speakers who have no grasp of grammar whatsoever.
For that reason, I am referring you to
In addition to the multi-langage dictionary that you will see immediately when you go to that site, there are language discussion forums. For the Spanish language, there is a forum for vocabulary discussion and another for grammar discussion.
The answers that you get there will be well measured.
¡buena suerte!
2006-09-16 13:48:30
answer #2
answered by goicuon 4
You've been given a lot of answers with explanations.
Now... for the cases you listed, the correct expression would be "así que", or "por lo que".
- Mi perro murió, así que estaba muy triste.
- Mi amigo vino y tenía hambre, así que comimos un poco de "pie".
"Entonces" could also be considered as a traslaton for "so", but it does not work for the cases listed.
"Lo cual" could also be used, but it's not adecuate at all for this cases (Spanish speakers tend to abuse the use of "lo cual", and this one would be incorrect in this case).
2006-09-17 04:22:36
answer #3
answered by justasking 5
There is no extact word, In the first one it would be:
My perro murio y por eso estaba muy triste
Mi amigo vino y tenia hambre asi que comimos un pie
Or Use entonces
Mi perro murio entonces estaba muy triste.
Mi amigo vino y tenia habre, entonces comimos pie
2006-09-16 13:27:05
answer #4
answered by carlos o 4
Mi perro murió, ASÍ QUE estuve muy triste
Mi amigo vino y estaba hambriento, ASI QUE comimos algo de pie.
Hope it helps!!!!
P.D.: "SO" can be translated in many other ways as meanings it has in english.
It was SO dreadfull = Fue TAN lamentable.
So, what happened then? = ¿ENTONCES, que pasó después?
And SO on = Y ASI.
2006-09-17 16:04:39
answer #5
answered by Sandro M 2
You could say it properly in a couple of different ways...the easiest:
Mi perro murió, así que me puse muy triste...
Se me murió mi perro, lo cual me entristeció mucho.
The second sentence could be:
"Mi amigo vino a casa y tenía hambre, así que comimos tarta".:
Mi amigo (or amiga in feminine) vino a casa y tenía hambre, así que comimos tarta
In latin american spanish you could use the word "pay"
(not "pie" which in spanish means "foot") in Spain you would not use it, it doesn't exist (it's an anglicism, not in the dictionary)
(Pastel is cake, tarta is either cake or pie).
"Mi amigo vino a casa y estaba hambriento, así que comimos algo de tarta".
2006-09-16 13:50:36
answer #6
answered by abuela Nany 6
it´s ¨entonces¨, Mi perro murio, entonces yo estaba muy triste.
I´m a spanish native speaker, and a good advice is to not try to translate everything exaclty, you won´t get the meaning you want to give the sentece. Good Luck...Buena Suerte.... :)
2006-09-16 15:18:10
answer #7
answered by Kathya 2
My dog died, so I was very sad
Mi perro murió, así que estaba triste.
Mi perro murió, entonces me puse triste.
Mi perro murió, así que me puse triste
My friend came over and was hungry, so we ate some pie.
Mi amigo vino y tenía hambre, así que comimos un poco de tarta (in Mexico you would write "pay")
MI amigo vino y estaba hambriento, así que comimos tarta (pay)
other options..
Mi amigo vino a verme y tenía hambre, así que comimos pay.
(my friend came to see me and was hungry, so we ate pay).
MI amigo vino a visitarme y tenía hambre...
(my friend came to visit and ....)
2006-09-16 19:29:13
answer #8
answered by badtz 3
My perro murio, entonces me puse muy triste.
My amigo vino a mi casa y tenia mucha hambre, entonces comimos pastel.
2006-09-16 13:26:59
answer #9
answered by CC88 2
It does not have an exact translation..... it can be: entonces, así que, así, por lo cual, por tanto....... don't translate literally.... translate in context.
2006-09-17 10:38:02
answer #10
answered by Alene 2