Here is exactly how it worked God said BANG, and His breath created the universe. Thus the big bang theory is pertially correct.
2006-09-16 13:24:56
answer #1
answered by icheeknows 5
nobody knows how the mass got there. the big bang theory is completely compatible with the idea of god creating the universe and anybody who says otherwise is a backwoods idiot. same goes for evolution - is it that hard to believe that 13 billion years is like 7 days for god? it would make sense that if an extrauniversal being created the world, it would happen in a big explosion thats repercussions would last billions of years... now if that god wants you to go to church on sunday, you're on your own with that one.
2006-09-16 20:28:35
answer #2
answered by gradient descent 2
For me, whether it is called the big bang, or creation in 7 days, I believe that God is the creator of it all, and that he is capable of anything including creating the universe in whatever way he wanted.
So if it's gases, stars, explosions--all from God.
2006-09-16 20:26:15
answer #3
answered by chris 5
My wife and I are retiring to the bedroom to test the big bang theory right now.
2006-09-16 20:24:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
casey m,if you have a couple of million years i will explain it. IN the beginning nothing existed but God.AS far as my mind can understand,and my heart can experience,GOD is pure conscious energy,unconditional LOVE,humility,light,and silence,GOD visualized all of creation,then released it into manifestion through the "big bang" where the universe is still expanding in this process. some call this process EVOLUTION. you are a spark of GOD expressing his vision of himself.
2006-09-16 20:37:21
answer #5
answered by Weldon 5
I'm not sure yet, so why don't we just make up something up, like "It had to be God". That's what we always do when we don't know an answer. After all, if we said "I don't know yet, but I'm looking for the answer", someone might think we were stupid.
2006-09-16 20:26:09
answer #6
answered by Kathryn™ 6
Excellent question, I'm looking forward to reading the answers.Makes you think doesn't it?
2006-09-16 20:24:29
answer #7
answered by pol 3
can you explain how god got there
2006-09-16 20:23:42
answer #8
answered by Z ten 3