Yes. He died on a cross, went to hell and back for you, and was raised from the dead and is now in heaven wanting you to accept what He so painfully went through to offer you salvation. He cannot help it if you won't listen. I can beg my child and do everything in my power to try and stop them from doing something stupid, but if they are going to do it, they are going to do it no matter what I say, if they do not stop and listen, ultimately they will do it, unless they have a good relationship with me and know I love them and know what is best for them and listen and say Hey You're right, I know you love me, thanks for helping me not make a big mistake. Or they could rebel and say I don't believe you and suffer the consequences, but likely they won't do that if they have a good relationship with the parent and know the parent loves them. Which is exactly how it is w/God. HIS Children listen, because they, have a good relationship w/Him, and know that He loves them.
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