It makes me cringe.
2006-09-16 12:15:34
answer #1
answered by I love my husband 6
I feel a sympathy pain even when I see someone getting blood drawn for a routine cholesterol test. Just thinking about real pain ruins my day. Too much imagination about how much it hurts I guess
2006-09-16 19:13:35
answer #2
answered by Rich Z 7
if you want to talk about the sympathy between your legs, i have one answer. The fall off of the ladder, I have another. Let me know if you want to talk.
2006-09-16 19:16:50
answer #3
answered by Joanna A 1
Yeah, I am the same way, like if I am watching a movie and that happens to a guy I like have sympathy pains for them!! But yeah, my friends always criticize me for watching movies with them!!! I like sooooooo understand where you are coming from, if someone cries, I cry with them, if someone laughs, I laugh with them!! Byez!
2006-09-16 19:13:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I just got a shiver from that! I think every guy can relate to it, fortunately I havn't had much of that happened to me a whole lot.
But it is by far one of the worst and most bizarre feelings you will ever feel, as a man.
2006-09-16 19:11:37
answer #5
answered by Jim 2
at first i must admit i life especially if they accidently brought the pain onto themselves and then i feel bad. and also if the pain wasn't brought on by themselves like if someone else hurt them on purpose i don't think its so funny cuz they didn't deserve it and even if they did you could have just hit them in the arm you don't have to him them there. you know. some people are just mean. LOL but sometimes its funny though. i gotta admit. but i know that must hurt them. i do feel bad for them though.
2006-09-16 19:13:29
answer #6
answered by I Luv Joel Madden!! 6
I cringe when i hear stuff like that. I also use to cringe watching the three stooges because i thought that Moe was overly abusive and the pain that he inflicted looked like it hurt.
2006-09-16 19:12:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Omg when that happens I laugh lol just kidding ohh It makes me feel the pain!
2006-09-16 19:12:51
answer #8
answered by ♥qiqqleszxbaybeeh ! 2
one of the worst feeling in the world when u feel it makes u want throw up if hit hard enough
2006-09-16 19:12:20
answer #9
answered by stl 1
Good To Know It Didn't happen To Me.
2006-09-16 19:11:14
answer #10
answered by Spaghetti MY 5