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ive liked this guy named david for 1 and a half years. now that im in 7th grade(he's in 8th) things are finally becoming a little clearer. Im just not sure how he feels about me. he sends mixed signals. he said he has a girlfriend but hes about to break up with her to me so did he say that so i can ask him out once he breaks up with her? he also said he thinks im preety and i always look nice. hes friends with my cousins and sticks up for me when they say stuff about me. its just that we think different, i think. most peoples friends have everything in common with them right? Because i heard some of his friends talking about so much X rated stuff and i dont USUALLY talk about that stuff. i think about it though. i hope he isnt like that. what do you think about him liking me or not, me wasting my time, and how he probably acts and thinks.

2006-09-16 11:43:47 · 14 answers · asked by way2sexigurl69 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

more details about david- he is definitly sexy as ever. he is definitly not a virgin. i know, how crazy is that, hes only 13. he has alot of girls liking him. thats mostly what i know. i know more about his friends. they do drugs and drink. they have all been in trouble like fighting and running from cops and have all been taken down to the police station. i dont know about being put in jail. for some reason he hangs out with alot of people older thatn him. kinda like me. im alittle scared about going with him because he is so cute and ah-mazing id probably do ANYTHING he asks. i dont even know who i am when i see him. he blows my mind away. ive been skipping classes just to see him in the hallways. i think i like him way more than he likes me but i hope that will all change.

2006-09-16 11:44:31 · update #1

14 answers

if you do really like him then ur not wasting your time. he doesnt sound like the best boyfriend ever but we all got diffrent tastes. what can help you wich helped me is that you have to kno if you are really attracted to him or his looks. imagine he is one of the ugliest guys on earth, but he still has the same personality. would you still want him? also if you are sure that you like him go for it cuz it seems that he's definetly attracted to you. go for it. if it works out then ioim happy for you!

2006-09-16 11:50:06 · answer #1 · answered by Shanae-nae 1 · 0 0

Why don't you wait until you are in high school? You know how many guys you'll meet? I liked someone a lot in elementary school (for 2 years) and when I went to high school I started liking someone and now I like him for 2 years. About David though.. I think it's better off if you move on because this guy seems like trouble. He's mentally cheating on his girlfriend with you, he's unsure of what he wants, he takes drugs and he's known with the cops. And he's only in gr 8! Just because he's hanging with an older crowd does not make him mature. I think he may like you just from some of the things you mentioned but I think you could also get better than him. Think about all of the things that attract him to you and if a majority of those are his looks then I think you should forget him.Good luck either way!

2006-09-16 18:47:42 · answer #2 · answered by untilyoucamealong04 3 · 1 0

Yes, you are. Hanging out with people that drink, do drugs, and run from the cops leads to one place. Juvenile Hall.

Worry about dating when you're in High School. Even there you're probably not going to meet the guy you're going to be with "4ever".

2006-09-16 18:48:12 · answer #3 · answered by C K Platypus 6 · 0 0

girl i am 13 and i know from experience dating these guys and they will take advantage of you but I'm not saying don't be with him just think of him as a guy who is dating your friend is he right for her is she right for him(PS this girl was me)She luvs him allot and can't say no ! One day he asks her a serious question like SEX. She's lost and doesn't know what to do then he asks her about gang stuff she's still lost and doesn't know what to do! My point is this you have to be able to trust yourself before trusting this guy! If he knows your vulnerably he'll take advantage and it might ruin you(though i got out of it)And he's only a year older so it shouldn't be a big problem in age just in attitude. You know what kinda guy you want but you need to know Wat kind of guy YOU need. think about and talk to me later if your still lost @

2006-09-16 18:54:39 · answer #4 · answered by hearty 1 · 0 0

why would you want to be with him. he does drugs, not a virgin and his friends are no good either. think what your parents would say if they knew the kind of person he is. your so young you dont need to get involved in a guy like that. trust me it sounds like he likes having you around chasing him. gl with that. dont think he wants anything. find a better guy one whos a bring home kind of kid

2006-09-16 19:14:59 · answer #5 · answered by tdwiditz 1 · 0 0

I know that this is hard to understand, but to give it to you strait,
this kid is much to young and inmature, to be taken seriously. To him,
right now all thats important is himself. If you can find a way to enjoy some time with him, do it. Just don't go head over heels for this playboy.

2006-09-16 18:53:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are wasting time with him. If his friends do drugs he probaly does too and he will act like a jerk to you while he still has the after affects of drugs and drinking.

2006-09-16 18:48:23 · answer #7 · answered by KK 2 · 0 0

Stay away from him he will use you and you will be labeled as being just all the rest that hang in that crowed. And that will stay with you a long time. Stay out of the drug, thug and any other thing that has to do with it PLEASE

2006-09-16 20:40:09 · answer #8 · answered by robert d 4 · 0 0

He's quite a bit more mature than you. Sometimes we want the thing we cannot have. Find another boy that you have more in common with.

2006-09-16 18:50:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a person involve in drugs is not good a good idea, move on

2006-09-16 18:49:15 · answer #10 · answered by Angel. 3 · 0 0

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